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(Continued from page 5)
                                                                 Things I use to know
         away from their computer/tablet and walking off. Re-
         member that everyone is seeing you so consider
         stopping the video (turns off the camera) until you     But Forgot

         Like others, I’ve grabbed a piece of paper to take      Submitted by Judy Dunham
         notes during the meeting, but recently with the two-
         monitor configuration I’ve realized that I  can launch
         Microsoft Word and take notes or even easier I just
         use my iPad Pro to take notes.
         It appears that this will be our means of staying in
         touch with friends and family for the future, there-
         fore, make your experience as comfortable as you
         can and add the technology you need to keep con-
         Although, there are several options for conducting
         these virtual meetings. Take the time to learn the
         ins and out of the program. Learn the etiquette of a
         virtual meeting and stay SAFE and HEALTHY until
         we are back together in reality.

         Let’s Go Shopping—Ron Brown

         Audible Audiobooks—Hewie Poplock

         A Hearing Revolution with Healthable Devices

         D. Rachele Orsina AuD
         Digitize Old Album Photos Into Google Photos and
         Chromecast to TV

         RoundTable Discussion

         September 2020                                       6
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