Page 5 - 2009
P. 5
Like many of us, I have spent an above-average
amount of time on my tablet or computer because fore, I’m able to see up-to forty-nine a once and I've
of being confined to my home. Our new reality for attended a few meeting with over one-hundred at-
communicating with friends and family because of tendees. In this case I must scroll to another screen
social distance has relied on virtual meetings. So- to see all attendees.
cially distancing had given me the ability to interact
and meet new people.
I have chosen the Logitech C920 webcam with the
I have enjoyed being able to continue meeting with built-in microphone, and it is mounted on a goose-
members of my computer club, Honor Flight neck holder enabling me to adjust it to eye-level. This
friends, and my former coworkers and I still virtually view gives me eye contact with the monitor screen
meet and chat every two weeks. This would have and the viewers not looking up my nose and trying to
been the 48 annual family reunion which we had count the number of hairs. Although the camera has
to cancel this year, but I was able to round up over a built-in microphone, sometimes I perfect to use my
fifty family members for a virtual meeting. We have USB headset with an attached microphone.
plans for another meeting in a couple of weeks.
I am presently developing some online/virtual training
None of this could have been accomplished without lessons and I have the means to connect up to three
new technology, and our smartphone, tablets or different cameras to my system. This will give me
computers have made all this possible. For some of views of the keyboard, myself, and other peripherals I
use, virtual meetings have been a new adventure am using to create my presentation. I can switch be-
and for others, it was second nature. Many of us tween views with just the touch of a button
have been using this technology for some time in
the form of SMS texting, Facebooking, Tweeting, Lighting is also very important for a good virtual meet-
and even just a simple phone call with some of ing. I have seen too my attendees with a bright light
these new technology devices. behind them, and being back lite, you cannot see
their face. Front lighting is essential, and it is best if
I have found myself locked into the Zoom meeting you can control it. LED Ring Lights have become ex-
several times a week and have acquired a new tremely popular and are inexpensive. The ring light I
condition called a “Zoom Butt” from sitting at my use allows me to control the brightness of the lights. It
computer for meetings that have exceeded 3-hours. does not matter which type of light you use, just get
Therefore, I have updated my office to make it some type of light in front of you.
more suitable and comfortable for these long ses-
sions. More and more people are learning about the Virtual
Backgrounds available during Zoom meeting. They
As the moderator for some of these sessions, it is are nice but can be distracting. These backgrounds
important that I be as comfortable as possible. are meant to be used with a green-screen backdrop
Therefore, my priority was to obtain a more com- and if you do not use one, then take into considera-
fortable chair. Ensuring that my chair is set at the tion your movements and what you are wearing when
right height and I have the right angle to view my using a virtual background. Quick movement and
monitors will ensure I do not end up with neck some clothing will make you appear to be GHOST-
strain after these sessions.
ING to other attendees.
To make my sessions more enjoyable l set up a I recently attended a Zoom presentation and the host
dual-monitor system. This allows me to see the kept moving his hands in front of my camera and af-
presentation/speaker on one monitor and the gal- ter a short period of time it became very distracting. I
lery/chat session on the other. The number of peo- texted him and apparently, he got my note and
ple I can see in the gallery depends on my comput- stopped. Just as distracting are attendees moving
er process and I have an Intel I7 processor, there-
(Continued on page 6)
September 2020 5