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(Continued from page 9)                               Attola USB 3.0 7-Port Hub
         LightShotis free and works on Windows and Mac, but can also   A speed power hub for expanding your connectiv-
         be added as Chrome and Firefox extensions.            ity
                                                               By Jasmine D’Katz
         FireShotis a paid ($59.95) capture program that works with a
         browser or email client. It will capture and allow instant edits,   I just cannot seem to
         sharing via social media, or instant saves to the computer.   have enough USB outlets
         There are also Chrome, Firefox, and Edge extensions   on my computer. I had a
                                                               4 port USB 2.0 connected
         Awesome Screenshot is a free program that captures a whole   and was able to connect
         page or a section, and then quickly annotates it (or blurs out
         the naughty bits) before sharing instantly. There are exten-  most of my devices until
         sions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.                  the pandemic and there
                                                               was a need for more con-
         Nimbus Screen Screenshot is free and will let you capture the   nectivity for webcams and
         whole screen or just parts of it. You can also use it to draw,   microphones, external
         make annotations, or mark up those same images. There   hard drives, and my 1TB ScanDisk SSD.  This is also
         are Chrome and Firefox extensions.
                                                               a convenient way to access my project flash drives,
                                                               allowing me to easily transfer files between them or
         Page Screenshot is a paid ($2.99) extension for Safari users
         that can capture the full length of a website or just a specific   the computer.
         section. Once a screen grab is taken, the program opens Pre-  After searching the web for a replacement, I can
         view for easy editing.
                                                               across the Atolla Hub 7-Port USB Hub with individual
                                                               On/Off Switches on Amazon. Since my original pur-
                                                               chase, I have acquired a second Atolla Hub. Now you
         Selecting the Best Backup Approach
                                                               may be asking why a second hub, well you will have
         Acronis True Image 2020                               to see my main computer station to understand all the
                                                               connections I need.
                                                               This is an expansion USB 3.0 and I powered to allow
         Amazon’s Halo                                         charging of my smartphone and tables as well as
                                                               communication with my computer. With 7-USB data
         A fitness track to measure your body fat.             ports, it supports a data transfer up to 5Gpbs. It is
                                                               backward compatible with USB 2.0 and I have had no
         Health and fit-                                       problem connecting older devices. The 1 smart USB
         ness seem to be                                       charging port provides a 2.4A for charging my
         the big attraction
         this year. With                                       smartphone or tablets or any other device that needs
         Apple and Sam-                                        charging.
         sung watches in
         a battle for domi-                                    The individual On/Off switches control the USB ports
         nance, Fitbit has                                     and save the trouble of unplugging devices whenever
         also joined the                                       I don't need them, Whether I'm turning off my graphic
         game.                                                 table or putting a hard drive to sleep, I just simply
                                                               press the button. Each port has a blue LED light to
         Now, Amazon is introducing the Halo which used        indicate it is on/off status.
         your phone camera to scan your body and use voice
         analysis to gauge your emotion. Like other fitness    During my research, I discovered Atolla also has a 4-
         trackers, this band will monitor your activity, sleep   port USB 3.0 hub which sells for about $13.99, but I
         and body fat. A subscription allows you to access     opted for the 7-port hubs for $28.99. I have been
         your data.  ($64.99)                                  completely satisfied with my purchase and would rec-
                                                               ommend these hubs to anyone looking to expand the
                                                               connectivity of their computer.

         September 2020                                      10
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