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User Group Relations — August 2020 Newsletter

                                                                   given us a great backup utility, but we had to look
                                   Announcing Acronis              elsewhere for the other key protection, a good
                                                                   antimalware software product. With Acronis True
                                                                   Image 2021, you can now get both critical protec-
                                     True Image 2020               tion needs in one product. Acronis True Image
                                                                   2021 now includes a full-function top-grade anti-
                                Personal Cyber Protection          malware product along with their award winning
                                                                   backup utility. Now, one product can answer all of
         Major New Acronis Announcement                            your internet protection needs combined.

         Acronis just announced the most important new re-         Acronis True Image 2021 comes in four different
         lease of their True Image product in recent years --      packages that lets you pick what is best to meet
          Acronis True Image 2021 - Personal Cyber Protec-         your individual needs -- True Image
         tion. This new release is what every user needs to        2021 (Perpetual License), True Image 2021 Es-
         have installed on their PC or Mac computers.              sential (Subscription License), True Image 2021
                                                                   Advanced (Subscription License), and True Im-
         The personal computer has become a vital portion of       age 2021 Premium (Subscription License). See
         our lives and it contains very important information      our website for a complete description of these
         that we use every day. We connect our computers to        different packages.
         the internet to gain access to a wealth of information
         and communication paths. Unfortunately, this internet     We are an official distributor of Acronis consumer
         connection exposes our computers to a multitude of        products, focusing mainly on computer user
         problems. There are two safeguards that everyone          groups members and their friends. We offer spe-
         must run on our computers to protect them from the        cial discount prices and add extra support to our
         evils of the internet -- antimalware software and a       customers. Make sure you purchase from us for
         good backup utility.                                      the best protection of your PC or Mac.

         For the past several years, Acronis True Image has

         Magic Sleeve for iPad Pro

         A clever sleeve and desk mate in one

         If you are looking for a clever way to protect you
         iPad, plus having the option of a convenient desk
         mat, then the Magic Sleeve may be for you.

         The Magic Sleeve is basically a large one piece of
         Merino wool that you fold into a protective sleeve
         thanks to the magnets on the edges. Fully open it
         can serve as a desk pad.

         The prices is a bit steep but take into the consider-
         ation that each sleeve is hand made and the quali-
         ty is good, so it’s worth the price ($89).

         September 2020                                      14
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