Page 12 - 2009
P. 12

some other ideas rattling around in my brain. See                             isn’t in very good shape. If
         the next article for those ideas.                                             anyone has an old ST with a
                                                                                       good case, but preferably
                                                                                       doesn’t work, let me know. I
               Looking Forward                                                         will put it to good use.

         What does an old Computer geek do when he has                                  I also have an old Mega ST
         way too many old computers and way too much                                    case that I could do some-
         time to think up ideas? He decides to make some                                thing with but that would al-
         new computers.                                                                 most be too easy since it is
                                 My new project is to take                              square and roomy com-
                                 my dead Atari 800XL and                                pared to the ST case. May-
                                 turn it into a Windows 10                              be some day I will put a re-
                                 computer (sorry Rick, no       ally fast computer in it. If I can afford the parts.
                                 Apples in my house). I just    Not Atari related I’m also looking to build a new main
                                 purchased a very small         computer. My main computer now is almost ten
                                 mini pc for this project. It is   years old. It still works well, but I’ve started playing
                                 4.7” x 4.7” x 1.9”. I think I   around with some video editing and it just doesn’t
                                 can fit it into the 800XL      have the horse power to do it without taking a looong
                                 case. I found an online arti-  time. Hopefully I’ll get another ten years out of the
         cle about how to make an 800Xl keyboard into a         new one.
         USB keyboard. It doesn’t look easy, but I think I can
         do it. If the mini pc doesn’t fit in the case I have a                       I bought a “Cloner Box” that
         dead 1050 disc drive that I can put the pc in. A little                      goes between your video
         creative cabling and it would work.                                          source and an HDTV. I have
                                                                                      been saving to disk some of
                                   It would be cool to show                           the programs that I want to
                                   it off by having an 8-bit                          keep from our cable’s DVR
                                   emulator running on it                             box. You actually need to be
                                   and then say “hey watch      playing the program to the HDTV to get the video.
                                   this” and switch it into     This lets you avoid the copy protection.
                                   Windows 10 mode. I
                                   even saw person that put
                                   a mouse inside an old
         game cartridge. If I can get it working, I’ll bring it in
         for a demo.
         I would also like to try the same idea using an Atari
         ST computer. The ST keyboard attaches to the
                                   motherboard by way of a
                                   connector. There is a
                                   person in England that
                                   makes a Keyboard to
                                   USB adapter. It’s kind of
                                   pricy would be a lot easi-
                                   er than trying to make my
         own. I’m sure that the mini pc would fit easily in the
         bigger case. I even saw an article about a ST con-
         version that housed an Intel i7 processor. It looked
         crazy. I could use my second STFm, but the case

         September 2020                                      12
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