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Hello, all charity of your choice – with no cost to you or any
change in pricing, shipping, returns, etc. for their cus-
It’s starting to feel more like fall, isn’t it? More dark- tomers. To learn more and to sign up, go to
ness, less daylight; a chill in the air; leaves begin- As part of the sign-up pro-
ning to turn to fall colors (and fall from their trees) cess, you will be asked to designate a charity to re-
and a fresh crop of apples at nearby orchards – ceive the credits resulting from future orders. I rec-
waiting for us to come pick them (or at least buy ommend “Lake County Honor Flight”, the local or-
ones the orchard has picked for us). Halloween will ganization that arranges for weekend “honor” visits
be different for many this year, as trick-or-treat is to our nation’s capital for older veterans, but you can
being discouraged because of our COVID-19 pan- select any charity that is important to you. (You may
demic, but late that night we will switch back to Cen- remember that J.J. was an honoree on one of their
tral Standard Time, as usual. flights to Washington not too long ago.) Now would
be a good time to take advantage of this program,
“Calendar creep” has become more prevalent in re- before you begin any holiday shopping!
cent years, as we approached major year-end holi-
days. Although I haven’t seen many ads or articles Now for some tech news… Roku is in the process of
about Thanksgiving yet, I was startled to see artifi- updating their operating system and introducing sev-
cial Christmas trees on display at Sam’s Club the eral new products and offerings. If you use Roku
other day. Seems like they used to wait until at products/services to assist in entertainment stream-
least Halloween before they began pushing Christ- ing (or might consider doing so), here is a link to a
mas…. reviewgeek article which discusses this topic in
more detail:
Meanwhile, I just saw an article in a reviewgeek -announces-the-130-streambar-and-updated-ultra-
newsletter about this year’s Amazon Prime Day set-top-box/ .
sales event. Turns out that instead of holding it in
July, as usual, Amazon has decided to reschedule Stay safe, enjoy the fall colors and be sure to join our
for October 13 and 14 – perhaps to take ad- next LCACE Zoom meeting at 1:00pm on Saturday,
vantage of the fact that many major retailers have October 10 , for a lively Q&A session. Zoom invita-
apparently announced that they will not be partici- tions will be sent to your email inbox on Friday, Octo-
pating in Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday sales ber 2 , with a follow-up reminder on Friday, October
this year – while still allowing themselves plenty of 9 . Simply click on the embedded email link a few
time to process and ship any resulting orders before minutes before 1:00 pm on October 10 to join our
the year-end holidays. Here’s a link to the newslet- meeting. Hope to see you then!
ter article:
-day-is-october-13-14-will-feature-amazons-best- Phil
deals-of-the-year/ .
(Speaking of allowing plenty of time for orders to be
processed and shipped, note that some retailers are
already behind in filling orders - no doubt because of
increased online orders as shoppers shun brick and
mortar retail stores to avoid COVID-19 exposure.
As you plan holiday shopping, best to allow lots of
time for deliveries – especially as we get closer to
the holidays.)
And, speaking of Amazon, have you signed up yet
for Amazon Smile? As a reminder, this is an Ama-
zon program designed to help charitable organiza-
tions across the country. Amazon will contribute
0.5% of the amount you spend on every order to a
September 2020 3