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Fundamentals of Microsoft 365
Rob Truman, Webmaster, Computer Booters of Sun
An overview of the many useful apps included in the
Microsoft 365 subscription. Rob will also review the
various subscription packages available along with
what discounts are available. He will also provide a
feature comparison of Microsoft 365 to Office 2019
and provide some tips on choosing which one is right
for you.
Solve Your Password Management Problems
Kenneth Tubaugh. Educational Services Director &
Program Coordinator
Columbus Computer Society
"Password theft is a serious problem. The websites
and apps that you use are under attack every day.
Security breaches occur, and your passwords are
stolen. When you reuse the same passwords every-
Saving Your Life with Technology, Part 2 where, hackers can easily access your email, bank,
Ron Brown, Program Chair, Silvercom Computer & and other important accounts."
Technology Club Stay Safe with a Simple Password Manager.
This is a continuation of Mary’s story, who is a ficti- "Security experts recommend that you use a different,
tious senior, widowed and lives in a resort in Mesa, randomly generated password for every online ac-
Arizona. She has a fall at night that results in a bro- count that you create. But how are you supposed to
ken hip from an undiagnosed heart problem. In Part remember and keep up with that many passwords?
1 covered the importance of knowing what your Bitwarden Password Manager helps you create and
heart rate is and the many devices that can monitor manage secure passwords so that you can get back
and record it. Part 2 focuses on fall detection, emer- to enjoying your life online.”
gency notification, and home automation to ensure
safety for a senior living alone. Ron will discuss how Keep Your PC Running Like New
to set up a home network, the Echo Show, Google Avram Grossman, CTO E-Novativ Author,
Nest, and the new Zoom all-in one home appliance. A PC User's Guide for Avoiding the Grief of Losing
Your Information
"FreeNAS - A Great Choice For A Home Server" Many of us in the IT profession seem to have very
Don Arrowsmith, President, Philadelphia Area Com- few problems with our own personal computers and
puter Society laptops. Yet our clients seem to get a dizzying assort-
This presentation details how Don replaced his ag- ment of computer errors and issues. What is the dif-
ing Windows Home Server 2011 system. ference between our computers and the computers
our clients use?
Chromebooks for Geeks As a colleague once said, “Computers don’t break
Bill James, Vice President, Computer Club of Okla- themselves, People do it.”
homa City • Are you treating your computer with the respect it
A Chromebook does the things that many people deserves?
want a computer to do, better and faster than any • Do you fear your computer because you don’t un-
other laptop, regardless of price. It is the most se- derstand how it works and what it is doing?
cure portal to the web that has ever been built be- • Are you not sure what is the best way to use your
cause of super-fast updates and sandboxing. A computer and do you know how to avoid losing your
Chromebook can pair with your Android phone and information?
be used for messaging and video calling. It is per- This presentation will help you understand what the
fect for anyone who wants to grab a laptop, sign in, technology is that goes into making your personal
and spend an afternoon watching Netflix or shop- computer work. You'll learn some simple steps to im-
ping online. You can also use it as a terminal to prove the way you use your PC. Knowledge is power,
connect to your Windows PC or Mac. Chromebooks and you are the master of your PC.
are Fun! Learn more from this informative presenta-
September 2020 7