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(Continued from page 8) • Week of October 19 (Week 3): Securing Internet
-Connected Devices in Healthcare
on Facebook. Sometimes posts are removed. But in • Week of October 26 (Week 4): The Future of
other cases an overlay is placed atop a story with Connected Devices
the text "False Information." Although that notice
appears when I use a Web browser, if I look at the Join the United States Air Force and Marines--check
same article in the Facebook app on my mobile de- out the USAF calendar for presentations to attend.
vice, the warning is missing.
The bottom line is that you should not trust social
networks like Facebook or YouTube for news Homepage/NCSAM-2020/
You will find everything you need to know about NCSAM
To be a Champion, all it takes is for someone from your group
to go to
month/champions/ and sign up. You will find the 2020 NCSAM
graphic on APCUG's website; we have been a Champion for
many years, as has my tech club. You will also find many re-
National Cybersecurity sources on the website.
Awareness Month (NCSAM)
NCSAM is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Securi-
ty, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and Na-
tional Cyber Security Alliance
NCSAM Theme and Schedule
CISA and the National Cyber Security Alliance
(NCSA) are proud to announce this year’s theme:
“Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.”
This theme encourages individuals and organiza-
tions to own their role in protecting their part of cy-
berspace, stressing personal accountability and the
importance of taking proactive steps to enhance cy-
NCSAM emphasizes “If You Connect It, Protect
It.” Throughout October, CISA and NCSA will focus
on the following areas in our promotions and out-
• October 1 and 2: Official NCSAM Kick-off
• Week of October 5 (Week 1): If You Connect It,
Protect It
• Week of October 12 (Week 2): Securing Devic-
es at Home and Work
September 2020 9