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Tech Talk: TV Slideshows, Printer Fix, and Beta Software

                                                    By Bob DeLaurentis

         Q. I cannot print from my laptop computer. When I      my Seagate device, which registers as drive F.
         checked if my HP5255 was connected, I found a          What can I do to change this?
         printer email address that ended with                  A. It sounds as if you are at the mercy of incorrect
         @hpprint .com. I also do not understand why that       default settings. Most settings have a default, and
         address is different than my regular email address.
                                                                most of the time they work so well we barely notice
         A. I feel your pain. Troubleshooting printer prob-     them. Because your Seagate mounts as an F drive,
         lems is one of the toughest aspects of home com-       it appears to be working properly.
         puting. Moreover, helping to fix printer problems is   If you are not already doing so, insert the Seagate
         hobbled by the fact that everyone's setup is slightly   drive and wait a few seconds until it appears before
         different.                                             you open the Control Panel. That one change alone
         Keep in mind that there are two connections that       may solve the problem.
         must both work. The first is the "hardware" connec-    If the Control Panel is still suggesting the E drive,
         tion between the computer and printer. This is often   there should be a button that allows you to change
         a USB cable, but it can be a network or Wi-Fi con-     to the F drive to perform the backup. This change
         nection. The obvious things are still the most easily   may or may not "stick" the next time, depending on
         overlooked. Can it print a test page? Often a test     the version of Windows and a few other variables.
         page has helpful status info. If you are using a wire-
         less connection, try switching to a cable temporari-   To make a permanent change, you will have to find
         ly. Or if you already use a cable, try a different USB   and change the backup settings. In any event, make
         port on your laptop.                                   sure that the Seagate drive is connected before
                                                                starting the backup. Even if you change the default
         The second is the "software" connection. This in-      settings, if the backup tool does not detect the F
         cludes the printer driver, the application that is     drive when it opens, it may not be able to use it.
         sending the print job, or a service like cloud printing.
         Once again, the large number of potential possibili-   Q. Since Facebook has said that they take action
         ties is a hurdle. Make sure your software is up to     on false content, does that mean the posts I see are
         date. Check if the printer is listed in the Device     accurate?
         Manager. Try printing from a different application.
                                                                A. Virtually everything you see on Facebook is
         With respect to the email address.        someone else's opinion, not fact. Even traditional,
         HP printers can accept jobs using the HPConnect        well-known news sources often lack essential con-
         service. But for that to work, the printer must be     text. Using Facebook for news is like asking for ad-
         connected to the Internet, and you need to config-     vice from a Magic 8-Ball
         ure an additional cloud service.
                                                                The time it takes some videos to spread across the
         Unless this was working for you and suddenly quit,     Internet is measured in hours. In a recent incident, a
         ignore this approach. Cloud printing makes your        video flagged as containing erroneous information
         workflow even more fragile. Stick with a simple USB    about COVID-19 was already seen by 14 million
         cable.                                                 people. Facebook does not notify the people who
                                                                have already watched it.
         Q. When I go to the control panel to start a backup,
         I am prompted to select the E drive. I prefer to use   Here is just a single example of the many problems
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 9)

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