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storage, I like OneDrive as I’m a Microsoft partner

                                                                and the ease of accessing OneDrive can’t be easier
                                                                in my situation. DropBox and Google Drive, both
         (Continued from page 1)
                                                                offer some nice features if you are part  of a compa-
                                                                ny where multiple users may need to access com-
         connections to the various apps                        mon files frequently and keep changes to those files
                                                                in sequence.
         accessing the storage. Email works in a similar
         manner, where each Email account (email address)       No matter what your choice may be, the important
         has it’s own storage directory and is accessible only   thing to remember is to backup your data some-
         when the correct credentials are used (email ad-       where! Cloud storage makes it easy and automatic
         dress and password). A few years ago, many email       which is what I’ve learned is the key to having good
         servers would limit the size of your email storage, as   backups in place.
         storage was relatively expensive. Now, with storage    If you have suggestions for topics that you would
         being so much cheaper, your email provider either      like to see explained, please let me know!
         has increased your storage limits or has removed
         restrictions altogether. This may depend on whether
         you pay for your email account or if it is free.       By Dan Douglas, President, Space Coast
                                                                PCUG, FL
                                                                Space Coast PC Journal
         When it comes to my personal preferences for cloud

                                                                Ron then gave us a little insight to how Smart TVs
                                                                and devices connected us to the internet and the
                                                                services available. This was a lead-in to the new
                                                                Google Chromecast who has just entered this field
                                                                for entertaining us.

                                                                Hewie talked Your Neighborhood and Crime Map-
                                                                ping and other apps that can keep you aware of
                                                                what’s happing in your neighborhood

                                                                And last session for the day, Ray gave tribute to the
                                                                passing of Mac Davis and Hellen Redding. He then
                                                                explained just what a Cover Record is, with the given
                                                                example of “Unchained Melody, and What a Won-
                                                                derful World.

                                                                If you want to learn more about the above topics,
                                                                then you need to join me on Monday morning for the
                                                                weekly episodes.

                                                                Hope you will join Ron, Hewie, Bob, Ray and me
                                                                every Monday at 11:00 CST for a full-hour of Tech
                                                                for Seniors.

                                                                Topic: Tech for Seniors with Ron Brown and Hewie

         After a chilly weekend and a lovely drive through the   Join Zoom Meeting
         countryside it’s Monday and time to get my weekly
         tech news from Tech for Seniors. This morning Se-
         curity News Roundup covered Firmware hacks, Re-        Meeting ID: 526 610 331
         mote working my help the planet, Cyberattack that      The Meeting opens @ 8:30 and starts at 9:00. The
         knocked U.S. hospitals offline, warning on election    meeting is locked @ 9:00 and no further admittance
         disinformation, joker malware, and Windows Server      is allowed.

         September 2020                                       4
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