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Hello, all….

         What  a  difference  a  month  makes!    By  March  8th,
         we  are  supposed  to  see  a  high  temperature  of  58      With  FHD  1080p  resolution  it  provides  a
         degrees!  If this is “coming in like a lion”, I can’t wait   clear,  vibrant  image.    Moreover,  the  monitor  has
         to see what happens at the end of the month when       about six inches of vertical adjustment, sliding up or
         March is “going out like a lamb” ….                    down the stationary base.  And, for those who might
                                                                like to have the option of a portrait display for multi-
                                                                page  document  creation  or  viewing,  the  screen  ro-
                                                                tates 90 degrees – as shown below:

         Happy  St.  Patrick’s  Day,  everyone!    Unfortunately,
         because of social distancing, we won’t be seeing the
         big parades this year, nor will the Chicago River be
         dyed green (unless there is a last-minute change of
         heart).    A  search  of  the  Eventbrite  website  for  “St.
         Patrick’s Day” and “Chicago” did return 424 events.
         Yay!    But  upon  closer  examination,  most  entries
         were  for  races,  bar  crawls  or  for  dates  and  events
         that have nothing to do with St. Patrick’s Day.  Boo!
         So, it looks pretty much like a quiet, safe St. Patrick’s
         Day this year….

                 My  second  monitor  (that  I  use  with  my  old
         desktop)  has  become  finicky,  so  I’ve  been  in  the
         market  for  an  inexpensive  23”  replacement.   While
         checking out options at all the usual websites I ran
         across an interesting 24” HP monitor that was origi-
         nally introduced in 2017.  This model has stood the
         test of time; the Amazon listing has over 20,000 rat-
         ings, with an average 4.7 score out of 5.0.  I pulled
         the trigger and am now the owner of this monitor:

                                                                       Built-in speakers are an added plus, although
                                                                at 2 watts they do not put out a great deal of volume;
                                                                they would be OK for voice reproduction in a smaller
                                                                room, but not so much for music or in a larger set-
                                                                ting.  And HP includes both an HDMI cable and an
                                                                audio cable for use with a VGA connection!
                                                                       So far, so good.  If you are in the market for a
                                                                24” monitor at a reasonable price, you might consid-
                                                                er this offering from Amazon.
                                                                       As  a  reminder,  our  LCACE  officer  elections
                                                                are coming up in April.  Nominations will be solicited
                                                                                                      (Continued on page 4)

         March 2021                                           3
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