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(Continued from page 5)                               stalled firmware version was too old, and I instead
                                                               would need to download and install an intermediate
         regularly use run Windows 7, so I am presently        version from a web link. I find the small screen of a
         working towards replacing at least some of them       phone too difficult to use for this kind of activity, so
         with Windows 10 computers ahead of the Windows        pulled out a Chromebook, logged into my Orbi router
         7 security sunset in January 2020. This considerable  and went to the web link. This also allowed me to
         cost in new hardware and software and in time to      keep the support chat going separately through the
         set everything up is strictly due to Microsoft’s desire   app on my phone.
         to make Windows 7 obsolete; I would be perfectly      Once I got to the web link, I found I would be down-
         happy staying with Windows 7 otherwise. I’ll be       loading a zip file. There may be ways to unzip on a
         spending money on new systems, probably buying        Chromebook, but I don’t know them, so I switched
         new software and spending time teaching my wife       again and logged in with my Windows laptop. The
         how to use the new OS. I’ll probably compromise by    support tech said to apply the update first to the satel-
         keeping a couple of old Win7 computers or laptops     lites (my mesh system consists of one router and two
         to run software I can’t convert to Win10 or don’t     satellite units) and then to the router. The update
         want to spend more on. I still have a Windows XP      page was a bit confusing, and I inadvertently updated
         computer that I keep off-line to run certain programs.   the router first. Fortunately I was still connected to the
         I’m actually writing this article on it; I’ve yet to find a   tech support person, so after a number of additional
         Microsoft Word version I like overall as much as ver-  steps, I successfully updated all components.
         sion 6.
                                                               It is almost time to renew my anti-virus, and I need to
         Even when security updates are provided for free,     make some decisions about it. I’ve been using ESET
         our time is usually required to oversee their installa-  Internet Security for many years and really like it (and
         tion. If nothing else, the time required to install up-  think it protects me, but who really knows). I’m not
         dates represents time we are unable to use our de-    sure what I should use going forward on Windows 10,
         vices. While Windows 10 may force automatic secu-     as I’ve heard that Microsoft’s Win10 built-in protec-
         rity updates, they can wind up being applied at the   tions are as good as anything else, and obviously are
         most inopportune times. I don’t mind as much the      at no extra cost. I always buy ESET on sale ahead of
         automatic updates my Chromebook gets from             when I need it, so I already have new copies to put on
         Google, as they are downloaded in the background      my Win7 computers. That seems like a waste, as I
         and quickly applied on the next power-up.
                                                               won’t have these computers on the Internet past Jan-
                                                               uary. Still, I shouldn’t cut corners on protecting my
                                                               online banking computer, at least until I am switched
                                                               over completely to Windows 10. Though I may be
                                                               spending a lot of time and money getting my new
                                                               computers set up, it hopefully will increase the odds
                                                               that I’ll have secure systems that will help protect my

                                                                  7 Best Innovative Technologies
                                                                                 for Seniors

         In addition to computer updates, our network items
         often require security patches. Few users may pay     1.  Hero digital pill dispenser. Hero digital pill dis-
         much attention to updates for their routers, however,     penser. ...
         unless they are alerted somehow. I have a Netgear
         Orbi mesh Wi-Fi router, which I love for its perfor-  2.  GrandPad. GrandPad tablet. ...
         mance and ease of use (but not so much for the ini-   3.  Amazon Echo Dot (3rd Generation) Amazon
         tial cost). Because I’d registered the product and
         downloaded their app, I recently received an email        Echo Dot – Third Generation. ...
         that an update was available for my router’s firm-    4.  Tile Sticker. Tile Stickers
         ware. I initially tried to apply the update through the
         app (on my smart phone) but was unsuccessful. I       5.  COWIN E7 Active Noise Cancelling Bluetooth
         was able to enter into an online chat through the app     Over-Ear Headphones.
         with their tech support, and thus began a two-hour
         process to finally get my router system updated.      6.  Ring Video Doorbell.
         I assumed I would be able to easily update through    7.  Fitbit Versa 2.
         the Orbi app, but the support tech told me my in-

         March 2021                                           6
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