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at  our  March  meeting.    Please  think  about  whom   would work on all my devices (PC, Android, iOS),
         you  would like to have as officers of our club, and   keep them in sync, and was free. BitWarden was
         whether  you  would  be  willing  to  serve  as  one  of   recommended by CNet as a replacement to
         them!                                                  LastPass and looked like it could do everything I
                                                                needed. I created a free account at https://
                Our  March  program  will feature  a  presenta- and download the Chrome extension
         tion  about  the  pros  and  cons  of  all-in-one  comput-  on my PC. I then opened my LastPass and did an
         ers, hosted by J.J.  Please plan to attend our Zoom    Export of my info to a CVS file on my PC. I logged
         meeting at 1:00 pm on Saturday, March 13 .  Email      into the BitWarden web site again and then went to
         invites will be sent to all members on March 5 , with   Settings/Tools to Import my LastPass CVS info. The
         a reminder mailing on March 11 .  See you then!
                                                                Chrome extension does not have the feature to Im-
                                                    Phil        port a file or Export a file. I was happily surprised
                                                                when the Import completed and all my accounts and
         LastPass Free Changes                                  passwords, form fill info, and credit card info was
                                                                now setup without me doing a thing. This included
         on March 16, 2021                                      Notes, Folders, and Favorites were all setup the
                                                                same I had in LastPass. I then logged onto Bit-
                                                                Warden in my Chrome browser and went to the Set-
         By Tom Kreuzer – 3M PCC Member
                                                                tings to set the “Vault Timeout” along with several
         LastPass Free Changes on March 16, 2021 - Cur-         other changes. I always check out settings for new
         rently unlimited access and syncing across all de-     software to see what is available. I then went to my
         vice types – computers (including all browsers run-    Android Phone and iOS Tablet to install the BirWard-
                     ning on desktops and laptops) and mo-      en app on both. No problem and I changed the Set-
                     bile devices (smartphones, smart           tings on both devices to enable unlocking with my
                     watches, and tablets). Starting March      FingerPrint and several other changes. They were
         16th, 2021, it will only include access on unlimited   now all set and ready to go. On my PC in the
         devices of one type and not the other. The result is   Chrome browser LastPass would show an icon in
         no access or syncing between a computer and mo-        the account and password field you could click on to
         bile. Also, on May 17th, 2021, email support will not   fill with a LastPass account and password. With Bit-
         be available to Free users. Free users can access      Warden there is no icon, you can do Ctrl+Shift+L or
         the Support Center self-help resources. The up-        go up to the drop down BitWarden icon on the
         grade from Free to LastPass Premium is $2.25 per       Chrome toolbar. I am getting use to it. BitWarden
         month for a limited time. Regular Premium price is     does have a premium subscription for $10 year
         $3 per month or $4 for Families.                       which provides 1 GB encrypted file storage, Two-
         Your Options:                                          step login (YubiKey, U2F, Duo), Vault health reports,
                                                                and Emergency Access. I have not downloaded the
            1.  If you only use LastPass on a computer and      BitWarden PC software, since the browser extension
                not on a mobile device, you can stay with       and the web site are doing everything I need on the
                LastPass Free.                                  PC. Working great for me so far and is my recom-

            2.  If you only use LastPass on a mobile device     mended free password manager.
                and not on a computer, you can stay with        CNet best free password manager alternative to
                LastPass Free.                                  LastPass – Bitwarden.

            3.  Buy a subscription to LastPass Premium or       this-is-the-best-free-password-manager-alternative-
                Families ($27-$48 year)                         to-lastpass
            4.  Switch to another Free package like Bit-        FYI... Everyone in the club should be using a pass-
                Warden,                                         word manager. See the Past PCC Meeting "Security
                                                                & Passwords" from July 2020 for more info. https://
         I loved and recommended  LastPass Free, but did
         not want to buy a subscription for something I can     files
         get for free. I wanted a password manager that
         March 2021                                           4
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