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(Continued from page 1)                               time are required to keep our assets (money, identity,
                                                               personal safety) secure when using all these tech
         spend a lot of time and money keeping it working      items and services in the new global digital electronic
         safely. I want it all to work every time as I expect it   world.
         to work. Unfortunately, there is a lot more to our
         tech lives than that. None of the tech revolution we   There is no practical way to remain 100% secure in
         have seen in the last decades would have been         our modern connected world. Even if you turn off all
         possible without money. It is commerce, capital and   of your devices, disconnect them, put them in a box
         the desire to make a profit that brought us most of   and seal it up (and cancel all your related services),
         this, including Microsoft, Google, Uber, Tesla and    you are not safe. The government still has your per-
         all the rest. Some key government investments in      sonal information, and even if you are not on Face-
         technology, in the space program, DARPA and the       book, others could post about you. You will have to
         military-industrial complex helped with fundamental   go back to paying with cash, shopping and banking in
         research, but the capitalist entrepreneurs filled in   physical locations and communicating through per-
         the rest. Money made tech great, but money also       sonal visits and letters. Unless you want to step back
         made it unsafe.                                       into the 1950’s, you will have to adopt some addition-
                                                               al safeguards with every new tech item you acquire.
         Entrepreneurs take legal risks to gain rewards;
         criminals try to find the least risky ways to make    Safety as a tech user is not an absolute, but a matter
         money, legal or not. Each new tech device, app or     of degree. More time and money spent to safeguard
         service that comes out is studied for vulnerabilities   our activities will provide more relative safety and se-
         by the criminal elements intent on exploiting it for   curity, but tradeoffs will need to be made. More secu-
         monetary gain. Now that technology has intercon-      rity comes at a higher cost and usually a greater in-
         nected the world, we can be the victims of crime      convenience as well. A user can make their tech life
         originating from all over the globe. Even nation      more resistant to attacks by cyber criminals and be-
         states can get in the game, trying to steal infor-    come more resilient should bad things happen, but it
         mation for economic and political purposes.           will require more time, money and effort on their part.
                                                               Lots of articles are written about protecting ourselves
         All this leaves the poor tech user vulnerable. The    online and describing precautions we all should take,
         rapid rate of change, the ease of use and ubiqui-     yet cybercrime is still prevalent.
         tousness of these product and services just add to
         the risk. How does a user evaluate the threat and
         defend against it? Is it all worth the cost?

         The criminals are out
         there, ready to hack,
         snoop, steal and de-
         ceive. They want your
         personal information
         to steal your identity
         and your passwords
         to steal your money.
         They want to trick you into sending them gift cards
         and Bitcoin. Who is going to protect the tech user    I think I take care of my tech household pretty well,
         from all the cyber threats? Can the government pro-   though there is always more that can be done. The
         tect us? Laws may be passed, regulations put in       things I value most (finances, identity, property) I pro-
         place and enforcement attempted, but citizens are     tect the most, while things of a lesser consequence I
         still victimized. Unfortunately sometimes the govern-  am a bit looser with. In some ways I probably go
         ment is part of the problem, not protecting the sen-  overboard in caution, but there are probably some
         sitive data we entrusted to them.                     risks I don’t take as seriously as I should. I’m pretty
         Can the companies we buy products and services        careful with physical security, using strong pass-
         from protect us? Their desires for profit over all else   words, encryption, a VPN and two-factor authentica-
         have created some of our tech problems. They will     tion where appropriate.
         sell us devices that are not secure if they think it   I’m pretty resistant to social engineering threats and
         makes business sense. They’ll collect and monetize    am very careful with my personal information. Exer-
         our personal information and then often fail to pro-  cising care and vigilance online is good, but it re-
         tect it adequately. It seems we as tech users must    quires effort and some investments. I have several
         find ways to protect ourselves, as no one else will   laptops and desktops that my wife and I use, as well
         take responsibility for our security. Unfortunately,   as a couple of Chromebooks. All the computers we
         that means additional costs in terms of money and
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 6)
         March 2021                                           5
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