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check back often.                                        accounts or other data. Yes, they may have little
         How to set up a VPN on your iPhone or Android phone,     data to access if the service has a strong no-logs
         and why you need one                                     policy, but why not just choose a service that's
                                                                  based outside Uncle Sam's jurisdiction? (If this is a
         What's the best free VPN?                                concern for you, you'll want to avoid countries that
         None of them. Seriously. While there are plenty of ex-   the US has intelligence-sharing agreements with,
         cellent free security and privacy apps online, VPNs
         sadly aren't among them. Safe VPNs cost companies a
         lot of money to operate and keep secure, and free ones   After researching and testing a number of VPN
         are almost always malware-laden data snoops. But         services, we rounded up a list of the VPN provid-
         there's good news: The burgeoning VPN market is hy-      ers that do the best job in keeping your online in-
         percompetitive right now, so prices for even the best    formation totally secure. When determining the
         VPNs regularly drop to less than $5 a month. In fact,    best VPN, there are a lot of details to consider. In
         the least expensive VPN we've seen so far ranks in our   our current ranking and testing system, we evalu-
         top three VPNs overall for security and speed. Check     ated more than 20 factors, including price, securi-
         out our quick list of budget-savvy VPNs to find one in   ty, performance, ease of remote access, number
         your price range.                                        of server locations, bandwidth caps, logging, dedi-
                                                                  cated and dynamic IP, client VPN software and
                                                                  customer support. Below, we've listed your best
         How do I choose the right VPN for                        VPN options, including such popular names
         me?                                                      as ExpressVPN, Surfshark, IPVanish and NordVP
         We're keeping a close eye on how each VPN provider       N.
         stands compared with its competitors, as well as any
         new VPN services that may become available. We've        The best VPN right now
         cataloged our most recommended VPN services to           Let's look at each of our VPN vendors below in
         date -- and listed some less viable VPN selections, too,   more depth. Keep in mind that this is an evolving
         based on our testing. We'll be regularly updating this   list: It's constantly being updated. We're actively
         VPN guide as new contenders hit the market.              working on more VPN testing and research, so ex-
         That said, the VPN landscape can be confusing and        pect this guide to change throughout the year as
         mystifying. Here are some quick tips, each of which link   our VPN use continues and we put each option
         to a more in-depth discussion.                           through its paces.
         Don't use free VPN services: You'll find only paid VPN   The list below presents our favorites in an overall
         options below because they're the only ones we can       ranking; if you want to see each top VPN judged
         recommend.                                               by more specific criteria, check out the links below.

         Look for a no-logs VPN, but understand the caveats:
         The best VPNs keep as few logs as possible and make      Best VPN for Mac
         them as anonymous as possible, so there's little data to
         provide should authorities come knocking. But even "no   Best Android VPN
         -logs" VPNs aren't 100% anonymous.
                                                                  Best VPN for iPhone
         VPN transparency is important, but warrant canaries
         are only the beginning: Many services use "warrant ca-   You'll mostly find the same names you see here,
         naries" as a way to passively note to the public as to   but we'll call out when and where specific traits
         whether or not they've been subpoenaed by a govern-      make for a better choice in a more narrow evalua-
         ment entity, as many investigations from national secu-  tion
         rity agencies can't be actively disclosed by law. But --
         like the no-logging issue -- warrant canaries aren't al-
         ways as straightforward as they seem. You should
         spend more time investigating whether your prospec-
         tive VPN has cooperated with authorities in the past --
         and how and when it's disclosed that fact.

         Think twice about using a US-based VPN: The Patriot
         Act is still the law of the land in the US, and that means
         US-based VPNs have little recourse if and when the
         feds show up with subpoenas or national security let-
         ters in hand demanding access to servers, VPN user

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