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Best VPN

           service of 2021

             A virtual private network can help maximize your se-
           curity and   anonymity online.

                                                                   Do I need a VPN?
         Whether you're working remotely or you simply want        People who access the internet from a computer,
         to keep your information safe from prying eyes, a         tablet or smartphone will benefit from VPN us-
         VPN is key. Here's how it works: A VPN encrypts the       age. A VPN service will almost always boost your
         connection between you and the internet, keeping          privacy by encrypting your online activity. Com-
         your data secure and your browsing habits private.        munications that happen between the VPN serv-
                                                                   er and your device are encrypted, so an internet
                                                                   service provider or someone on your Wi-Fi net-
         However, there are a multitude of VPN providers to        work spying on you wouldn't know which
         choose from, and not every VPN service offers the         webpages you access. They also won't be able
         same level of security, reliability and speed. That can   to see private information like passwords,
         make it tricky to find the best VPN service to meet       usernames and bank or shopping details and so
         your particular needs. Our best VPN guide is here to      on. Anyone who wants to protect their privacy
         help.                                                     and security online should use a VPN.
                                                                   Does everything I use need a VPN?
         What is a VPN?                                            If your goal is to protect your personal data from
         A commercial virtual private network is technology        prying eyes, you want a VPN on whatever you
         that allows you to create a private connection over a     are using. That means having a VPN to protect
         less private network by creating an encrypted tunnel      your laptop, your phone, your Xbox and your
         between your computer and the internet. You               smart TV.
         can install a VPN just like you would any other app or
         program on your smartphone or computer. A VPN             If your goal is to use a VPN to gain access to
         can let you get around censorship in your country or      streaming services which have been made una-
         access geo-restricted media content from another          vailable in your country for whatever reason, you
         country -- and prevents your internet service provider    want a VPN on whatever you are using to access
         from being able to intrude on your privacy by snoop-      those streaming services. This could be as sim-
         ing on your web browsing. VPNs do this by allowing        ple as a VPN for your Chrome browser or setting
         you to appear as though you're connecting from a          up a VPN for your Amazon Fire TV Stick.
         different location or country.
                                                                   Whatever your reason for wanting a VPN, it's
         A VPN is great for anyone using public, unprotected       usually a good idea to have it set up on as many
         Wi-Fi, such as what's offered in airports, bars or cof-   of your web-connected things as possible.
         fee shops. Your VPN protects your sensitive infor-
         mation -- from your work projects to bank account         What is a mobile VPN?
         login information -- from being seen by malicious ac-     Use a mobile-friendly VPN to avoid slower
         tors who trawl public Wi-Fi networks. When you            speeds and ensure greater data privacy for your
         browse the internet while on a VPN, your computer         whole device. Mobile VPNs generally have a
         will contact the website through your VPN's encrypted     smaller memory footprint, and require less pro-
         connection. The VPN will then forward the request for     cessing power than desktop VPNs, so they run
         you and forward the response from the website back        faster and save more battery. Our top three VPN
         through its secure connection.                            picks all have excellent, easy-to-use mobile app
                                                                   options for their services. Some VPNs will only
         For more beginner-focused VPN help, we've demysti-        work with one type of platform -- like Apple or An-
         fied some of the jargon in our guide to all the VPN       droid -- and some are universally compatible. To
         terms you need to know.                                   find the right mobile VPN for you, check out our
                                                                   mobile-specific VPN guides below. We routinely
                                                                   update them with our retesting information, so
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