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Patriot Power Cell

         Designed to make sure you smart devices are never
         without power.

         By Rand D

         While watching TV and this product caught my inter-
         est, so I did a little investigating before jumping
         onboard. What really caught my eye was this is a so-
         lar power device which I could use as an emergency
         power back up while traveling. Although I have sever-
         al other power banks, they all rely on being pugged in   would truly help if I got into a position where I
         and charged before travel. That is where a power         need emergency assistance.
         bank, solar charging phone bank, or in this case the
         Patriot Power Cell come in handy.                        There are 4 blue LED meter lights to inform you of
                                                                  the state of charge, each represent the state of
         The Patriot charge holds enough power in its com-        charge. Therefore, when I only have one light left,
         pact unit to charge my iPhone 3 – 6 time or charge       I know the bank has 25% battery left. The Patriot
         my iPad 2 times. Although one charge would be suffi-     has a high rating for water-resistance and will
         cient for an all day or even a weekend trip. All this    withstand splashes as well as rain. It is also de-
         depends on how much I use the device during this         signed to protect against drops. The batteries are
         time frame.
                                                                  lithium polymer and have passed TSA regulations.
         Built into the Patriot power cell are 2 USB ports so I   Three are other power cells out there with more
         can charge two devices at once. A few times I have       power, but just how much do you need? The Patri-
         changed my iPhone and iPad at the same time.
                                                                  ot has a capacity of 8,000 mAh, charge time of 6
         To make the Patriot power cell more appealing, it al-    hours, via USB charging/40 hours in the sun. The
         so has a LEC flashlight – it is bright too, so you will   USB output is 1A 5V DC, /2.1A, and the service
         not be left to find in the dark. Besides having a con-   life of this device is 500-time charging, 5-6 years.
         stant flashlight mode, it also has an SOS setting. This

         KardiMobile EKG Monitor                                    office for further re-
         By Rand D
                                                                    The KardiaMobil is
         I’m keeping a eye on my health when the Kardi EKG moni-    about 3 inches long,
         tor crossed my radar. It was available for home purchase   small enough to car-
         with not prescription.                                     ry in my pocket, but
                                                                    it stays on my office
         The Kardi is a simple heart rate tracker, such as the FitBit
         is that actually takes an ECG, a picture of your heartbeat..
                                                                    Once you place your
         KardiaMobile use ECT to identify if I’m in atrial fibrillation.
                                                                    fingers on the device, the assessor then transmits to
         Within seconds, the device can then send me a automated
                                                                    the Kardia Pas on your smartphone to give me my
         response to let me know if my heart rhythm is normal of if
                                                                    results in about 30 seconds.
         I’m in atrial fabulations. It records a image strip that be-
         longs to me, but I can chose to send a copy to my doctors

         October 2021                                        11
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