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one Should Be Using
                                                                  You can use hidden search modifiers to find better
                                                                  results a lot faster.

                                                                  Say goodbye to your Outlook password
                                                                  MS now lets you scrap you password for Outlook
                                                                  and other online services

         Best live TV streaming service for cord-cutters          How to recover data from a seemingly-dead
         Ready to cut cable but want to keep live sports, news
         and originals? Here's how.                               And possibly bring it back to life.

         How to pick the best smart display for you               New Microsoft Office is coming

         Every smart display offers something a little bit differ-  Don’t wat to subscribe? You don’t have to.
         ent. Here's how to pick the one that fits your smart     The Most Helpful Google Search Modifiers
         home best.                                               Everyone Should Be Using

         Zoom is adding live translation service, more hy-        You can use hidden search modifiers to find better
         brid features                                            results a lot faster.
         Zoom unveils a number of upgrades to the video chat      How to Mass Delete Emails in Gmail
         platform to help co-workers connect, whether they're
         in the office or working remotely.                       Do you need to save those newsletter from 2012?
         Why Am I Getting Email Sent to an Email Address          Flip you computer monitor vertically. It will
         Similar to Mine?                                         change your life

         When it kinda looks like you, but it’s not.              Get the most out of your screen real estate.
         The Best Services to Cancel Unwanted Subscrip-           Seven cord-cutting misconceptions cleared up
         tions and Negotiate Bills                                The concerns you have about dropping cable TV
                                                                  are probably overblown.

                                                                  The Golden Age of Shareware CDs

                                                                  These CDs were the gateways to numerous
                                                                  house of cheap entertainment.

                                                                  Google One Has a New 5TB Storage Plan

                                                                  Google new plan for people who don’t quite need
                                                                  one of the giant plans.

                                                                  New Roomba Uses Highly-Advanced AI to
         Luckily there are services that can find and cancel      Avoid Dog Poop
         your unwanted subscriptions and even help you nego-      If it eats cables, that’s ok, but not over a pile of
         tiate lower rates.                                       dog poop and spew it around the house.
                                                                  Find you mouse grip type: Are you a claw,

         Update Google Chrome immediately                         palm or fingertip?
         Google recently fixed multiple Chrome security vul-      Knowing your grip type can help you find a great
         nerabilities. Make sure your browser is updated.         gaming mouse.

         The Most Helpful Google Search Modifiers Every-
                                                                                                    (Continued on page 16)
         October 2021                                        15
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