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All the new gadgets Amason
                                Video Library
                                                                     announced at the Fall 2021 event

         What’s new in the APCUG Video Library. Take a
         look at the last 3 months of new videos.

         GeoCashing Virtual Field Trip

         Computers to the Moon

         Genealogy Road Trip—It’s All About the Pater

         GIMP, Editing Vacation Photos with Laryers
                                                                   Amazon unleashed a new Echo Show, a smart thermo-
         Music in the Car
                                                                   stat, and a robot butler
         Learn all About a VPN
                                                                                      +read more
         Your Online Privacy
         Word Tips and Tricks and more...

         Using the Control  Center on your iPad
         MeWE-The Next-Gen Social Network & Your
         Online Privacy

                                                                   Google Drive for Desktop

                                                                   Google Drive is a cloud storage service for any-
                                                                   one with a Google account. If you want those
                                                                   files also on your computer, you've been using
                                                                   Google Backup and Sync

                                                                   Backup and Sync will stop working on Oct. 1 and
                                                                   you will be prompted to install Google Drive for

                                                                   Just like its triangle icon, Google Drive for Desk-
                                                                   top has 3 distinct purposes:

                                                                   1.  Sync files from Drive in the Cloud down to
                                                                       your computer
         What was the original name of duct tape?                  2.  Sync files from your computer up to Drive in
                                                                       the cloud

                  Army tape                                       3.  Upload Photos from your computer to Google
                  Duck tape

                  Silver tape
                                                                   This was our topic this week. In Episode
                                                                   220 What does this button do?

         October 2021                                        18
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