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Windows 11 available on October 5

         Microsoft finally confirmed the official release date for   Health Check app. If you are not able to upgrade
         Windows 11. The latest version of Microsoft’s operat-    your device, there’s good news. Microsoft plans to
         ing system will make its public debut on October 5th,    continue supporting Windows 10 through October
         2021. As was previously announced, Windows 11 will       14th, 2025. Beyond supporting the aging OS, Mi-
         be a free upgrade for eligible Windows 10 PCs. Com-      crosoft also recently announced a feature update
         puters preloaded with Windows 11 will also be availa-    for Windows 10 coming in 2021.
         ble starting on the same day.
                                                                  Notably, even if your computer does fail the health
         Windows 11, much like Windows 10, will roll out in       check, you can still apply the upgrade. It’s a slight-
         phases over the coming weeks and months. At first,       ly more complicated process, and there are still
         Microsoft will seed the upgrade to eligible devices. If   minimum specifications to be wary of, but at least
         you want to know if your device is eligible, check this   it’s possible.
         document on Microsoft’s support site. Following that,
         Windows 11 “will then roll out over time to in-market    Here are 11 highlights of this release
         devices based on intelligence models that consider
         hardware eligibility, reliability metrics, age of device   1.  The new design and sounds are modern,
         and other factors that impact the upgrade experi-        fresh, clean and beautiful, bringing you a sense of
         ence.”                                                   calm and ease.

         Aaron Woodman, General Manager of Windows Mar-           2.  With Start, we’ve put you and your content at
         keting, says that Microsoft expects every eligible de-   the center. Start utilizes the power of the cloud
         vice to be offered the free upgrade by mid-2022. Once    and Microsoft 365 to show you your recent files no
         your Windows 10 device is eligible, Windows Update       matter what device you were viewing them on.
         will let you know when you can upgrade. If you’re get-
         ting antsy, you can also manually check by going to      3.  Snap Layouts, Snap Groups and Desktops
         Settings > Windows Update and clicking “Check for        provide an even more powerful way to multitask
         updates.”                                                and optimize your screen real estate.

         Microsoft also took the opportunity to highlight some    4.  Chat from Microsoft Teams integrated into the
         of the most notable features of Windows 11. As           taskbar provides a faster way to connect to the
         you’ve seen in screenshots and videos, Microsoft has     people you care about.
         totally refreshed the user interface. Everything from
         the Start menu to the toolbar to the menus look and      5.  Widgets, a new personalized feed powered by
         sound different on Windows 11. Microsoft is also intro-  AI, provides a faster way to access the information
         ducing Snap Layouts, Snap Groups, and Desktops to        you care about, and with Microsoft Edge’s world
         improve multitasking. Microsoft has also integrated      class performance, speed and productivity fea-
         Teams directly into the toolbar. There are also new      tures you can get more done on the web.
         Widgets, an overhauled Microsoft Store, accessibility
         improvements, and more.
                                                                  6. Windows 11 delivers the best Windows ever for
         Finally, it’s worth noting that some Windows 11 fea-     gaming and unlocks the full potential of your sys-
         tures will not be available at launch. For example,      tem’s hardware with technology like DirectX12 Ul-
         support for Android apps won’t be ready on day one,      timate, DirectStorage and Auto HDR. With Xbox
         but a preview for Windows Insiders is coming.            Game Pass for PC or Ultimate you get access to
                                                                  over 100 high-quality PC games to play on Win-
         Windows 10 will be supported into 2025                   dows 11 for one low monthly price. (Xbox Game
                                                                  Pass sold separately.)
         If you want to make sure that your device is eligible
         for Windows 11, Microsoft will soon relaunch the PC

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