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Scam alert:

                                          Beware the dangerous

                           ‘Cellular Carrier Loyalty Giveaway’ scam

                                                                  3 – Enter your phone number’s Area
                                                                  Code & Prefix.

                                                                  Note: You don’t need to enter the last four digits
                                                                  of your phone number, just the area code and
                                                                  4 – Tap the Lookup Area Code & Prefix button.

                                                                  Pretty simple, right?
                                                                  While the details vary a bit, most of these “loyalty
        As you probably know by now, the scammers of the          thank-you” scams work like this:
        world are always coming up with new ways to sepa-
        rate innocent people from their hard-earned money.        You receive a text message on your phone that
                                                                  appears to be from your cellular carrier.
        Since the dawn of the World Wide Web, most phish-
        ing scams have been perpetrated via email, but            The message begins by thanking you for being a
        that’s beginning to change.                               loyal customer, then it says you qualify to receive
                                                                  a cash payout as a thank-you.
        While email is still the primary vehicle for delivering
        these types of scams, a relatively new generation of      The amounts mentioned in these messages vary,
        scams are now arriving in the form of SMS text mes-       but most people are reporting that the messages
        sages.                                                    they received had the amount listed as $200.
        What makes these text scams so dangerous is the           According to the message, all you have to do in
        fact that most people aren’t used to seeing scams         order to “claim” the thank-you gift is to tap a link
        being delivered this way.                                 in the message.

        Also, in most cases the scammer knows which cellu-        Once you tap the link your phone’s default
        lar carrier you use (your phone number is a major         browser will open displaying a website with a
        clue) so they reference your actual carrier in the        form to enter your banking info. They have to
        message.                                                  have some way to send you your money, right?

        If you want to see how easy it is for a scammer to        Well, there are several red flags that indicate that
        find out who your cellular carrier is, just follow the    these messages are fraudulent.
        steps below for the device you’re using.
                                                                  First, the link in the message will be a shortened
        If you’re using a laptop or desktop computer:             link (via Bitly or one of the other popular link
                                                                  shortening services). That obscures the fact that
        1 – Open a web browser and visit          the URL of the page does not reside on the carri-
                                                                  er’s official website.
        2 – Enter your phone number’s Area Code & Prefix.
                                                                  Second, why would your cellular carrier need
        Note: You don’t need to enter the last four digits of     your banking info? All they would need to do is
        your phone number, just the area code and prefix.
                                                                  apply a $200 credit to your account like they rou-
        3 – Click the Search button.                              tinely do when they offer legitimate promotions.
        If you’re using smartphone:
        1 – Open a web browser and visit
                                                                                   Rick’s Daily Tips
        2 – Tap Area Code and Prefix search.

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