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Your Microsoft Account No Longer Requires a
         Password...Wait, What?

         The company is allowing users to remove password
         from account in favor of Windows Hello.

         What is WiFi 6? Everything you need to know                  “Take Control of you Digital Experience
         about the new wireless standard                          "We believe transparency makes digital awesome.
                                                                  That's why we empower consumers and business-
         Call it what you like: WiFi 6, hight-efficiency WiFe,    es to create safer, faster, and more trusting digital
         802.11ax.                                                experiences."
         HP New Flagship Laptop Has an AI “Beauty                 "Having too many tags and trackers on your web-
         Mode” for video calls                                    site and apps can slow performance and introduce
                                                                  risk. Ghostery MCM works fast to help you accel-
         The new Spectre X360 has a 16” screen and more           erate site speed, ensure compliance, and bullet-
         including the custom beautification AI.                  proof your digital assets."

         8 Ways to Make Your Old Smartphone Feel New              "Know who is tracking you online."
         Again                                                    So reads the Ghostery Home Page. Ghostery
                                                                  does this and allows you to block trackers and un-
         There’s probably a lot of life left in you current device,
         so spice it up.                                          wanted background activities on websites you vis-
                                                                  it. You might be surprised at how much stuff is
                                                                  lurking behind what you might think is a simple
                                                                  and clean website. Ghostery will show you what is
                                                                  there and allow you to block it or make exceptions
                                                                  to your blocks. Add-ons for most web browsers
                                                                  are available for download to empower YOUR
                                                                  web browser.

                                                                                Ghostery Home Page

                                                                      Every new phone comes with a slew of apps you
                                                                      didn’t ask for and didn't want. They're often in-
                                                                      stalled by manufacturers to push their own ser-
                                                                      vices on top of (or instead of) what the
                                                                      smartphone offers by default.

                                                                      This is called bloatware, and while these apps are
                                                                      usually harmless, it’s good practice to re-
                                                                      move ones you're not using. Plus, they take
                                                                      up storage space and system resources that could
                                                                      be used by apps you actually do want to use.
            How to Rid Your Phone of These
                                                                      They need to go, but it’s not necessarily as easy as
                                                                      hitting delete. How you do this will depend on the
               Default Apps You Never Use
                                                                      phone you're using.
         Even the best phones come  with bloatware, prein-
                                                                      Read our guide to removing bloatware from An-
         stalled apps that take up precious storage space.
                                                                      droids and iPhones, plus a few other tips and
         Here’s how to remove them and speed up your de-
                                                                      tricks, below.

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