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mal happy social interaction.

                                                                The door prize was a pack of 10 pens for both
                                                                paper, and electronic tablets.� Please for-
                                                                give me, but I forgot who won that prize.� I'll
                                                                try harder next time.
         Membership Report
         May 19, 2018                                           David Carlson won the 50/50 raffle, he and the
                                                                club each receiving $6.00.
         Members: 52
         Meeting Attendee: 22 = 44%                             Congratulations to all prize winners!

         THANKS FOR JOINING                                     Thanks to Linda Busch for making the coffee,
         None                                                   and to Liz Barnett and Linda Busch for provid-
                                                                ing munchables for us.
         Howard & Bobby Jacobs                                  This month's program was� ""AI Voice As-
         Harriet Rudnit                                         sistant Speakers & Security",� by J.J.
         Thomas Krissek                                         (Dwight) Johnson.� Thanks, J.J., for giving
                                                                us a peek into our very connected future.

         THANKS FOR VISITING                                    Another great meeting, and I hope to see you
         None                                                   at our June 16 meeting.

         History Report, 2018-05-19 Meeting
         By Les Larkin

         Our May meeting was conducted by Phil                           DeBorah Sirilla
         Bock.� There was a brief discussion about
         planning the meeting dates for the third, in-                          Phil Bock
         stead of the second Saturday.� Due to lack
         of conviction on the part of the new-guard third
         Saturday fans, versus the traditionalists, we're
         still shooting for the second Saturday.� We
         also decided that at our July meeting, there
         would be no formal presentations, just our nor-

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