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Phil’s Ramblings

         Hello, everyone!                                               November 2016        Internet Security
         Things have been relatively quiet on the computer              December 2016        Holiday Party

         front recently, other than more data breach reports.
                                                                        January 2017         Show & Tell; Ask the
         By now we should all be protected against the possi-
         ble fallout from data breaches as best as possible –
                                                                        February 2017        Microsoft Word
         if we have taken the time to implement the various
         measures suggested in the email newsletter and FTC             March 2017           Security & Scams

         articles that I have sent out to LCACE members over
                                                                        April 2017           Elections; Internet Se-
         the past year (and which have been published in
                                                                        curity Update / Privacy / VPNs
         other mainstream media and online news articles).
                                                                        May 2017             Home Automation &
         A related topic that has caused uncertainty for some
                                                                        Security Cameras
         of our members is how to implement the various
                                                                        June 2017            Internet-Related
         recommendations for safeguarding your router.  I
         plan to set aside some time at our June meeting to             Crimes

         go through those recommendations in more detail.               July 2017            Picnic; How to Become
         If you have any questions or are otherwise unclear             Your Own Computer Expert
         about past router safety suggestions, please plan to
                                                                        August 2017          Digital Afterlife
         attend our coming meeting and bring your ques-
                                                                        September 2017       Google Search Tips
         tions with you.
         Another topic that I’d like to discuss at June’s               October 2017         Cyber-Security Update
         meeting is our future program schedule.  Here is a             November 2017        LCACE Election Process

         listing of our programs for the past two years:                Changes; Ask the Guru
                May 2016              PC Tune-up and dis-               December 2017        Holiday Party

                cussion of products / services at OfficeMax
                                                                        January 2018         Telecom Choices
                June 2016             Genealogy
                                                                        February 2018        Meeting was cancelled
                July 2016             Picnic                            because of weather

                August 2016           Smartphones, Part 2               March 2018           Your Last Laptop

                September 2016        The Cloud                         (Chromebook)

                October 2016          Paperless Office &                April 2018           Elections; Show & Tell
                Free Software

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