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PhoneSuit Journey
         (Continued from page 7)

         one of several other gestures that you can use         Portable Battery for Charging Your
         to control the drone.                                  Smartphone or Tablet
         If you want more control, the controller pairs with
         your smartphone and now you can see what the           By Jasmine D’Katz
         Spark sees. Like any other aircraft you have full
         control and with GPS stability your Spark knows
         where its and at all times. The controller is easi-    I’ve been know for acquiring new toy, but this is
         er  to  use  than  your  smartphone  and  give  you    more of a necessity rather than a toy. On sever-
         more  range.  One  of  the  best  features  of  the    al occasions I’ve attended event and the battery
         Spark  is  the  Return  to  Home  (RTH)  with  their   on my phone ran low that I had to be selective
         push of a button, the Spark will return to where it    about what I could take photos or videos of. I try
         took off from. Also if you loose signal or the bat-    to remember to fully charge my phone before
         tery gets to a low point that you set, the Spark       the event but sometimes forget. This is not my
         will return home automatically.                        first Battery Charger, but this is the first All-In-
                                                                One charger I’ve purchased.

         In an outdoor environment, the Spark will inform
         you about how many satellites that it is tracking.     Now I have the PhoneSuit Journey All-In-One
         You are also warned not t fly if you tracking less     Charger as my backup. The reason this is an All
         that 10. You are also warned or restricted area        -In-One charger is besides the high density
         like airports. All this is visual on you screen as     3500mAh battery cell, it has a built-in Lightning
         will as height and distant traveled.                   cable for your iPhone, iPad  and a Micro-USB
                                                                cable to charge other Smartphones, Tablets,
                                                                Bluetooth, Speakers and more. This means that

                                                                you don’t have to carry  an extra cable.
         The  Good  The  DJI  Spark  delivers  a  tiny,
         lightweight  design;  excellent  mechanically
         stabilized  camera;  USB  charging  and  ad-           In addition there’s a USB Output and Input Port
         vanced  features  like  gesture  controls  and         to allow you to connect your own USB cable to
         obstacle detection. It travels well and is great       charge virtually any device or the charge the
         for aerial photos and video.                           Journey by USB as well. The built-in wall
                                                                charger folds neatly into the Journey so you can

         The Bad Flight time can be as short as 10 to           plug it into a AC outlet.
         14  minutes.  The  app  can  be  frustrating  to
         use, especially on smaller screens. And you
         should expect to buy batteries and possibly            By using the two integrated cables and the USB
         the optional controller.                               output port, you can charge up to three devices
                                                                at the same-time.  The PhoneSuit Journey is al-

         The Bottom Line The DJI Spark delivers all             so available in 5000 and 10000mAh units. De-
         of  the  camera  drone  features  most  people         pending in where you purchase, prize range
         will ever need  in  an  impossibly small pack-         from $29.00 to $59.00

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