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May 2018              Digital Assistants &      Explorer,  Chrome,  Firefox)  maintains  a  similar
                Smart Home                                      list of files.

         What would you like to learn more about going for-
         ward?  Your interests / needs / concerns will play a   In any case, it is a good idea from time to time to

         major role in helping Linda Rohlfing and me plan fu-   clean  up  the  registry,  stop  unnecessary  back-
         ture programs and recruit presenters.  Please give     ground  programs,  and  remove  temporary  files.
                                                                A  useful  free  program  to  keep  your  computer
         this some thought and plan to share your ideas with
                                                                tidy  is  CCleaner.  This  program  has  options  for
         us at the June meeting or by email to pro-
                                                                taking care of the issues mentioned earlier. and/or
                                                                If you have already installed CCleaner, jump to
         Our annual picnic is coming up on July 21  (the third
                                                                the update section.
         Saturday in July), at the State Bank of the Lakes.  No
                                                                Installing CCleaner
         program this year, only good food and companion-
                                                                When  you  go  to  the  CCleaner  download  web
         ship.  We’ll share details at the June meeting.  Please
                                                                page  you  will  see  three  different  versions  of-
         put this event on your calendar, and plan to attend!
         At our June meeting, we will discuss wording chang-
         es for our LCACE Bylaws that were approved by the
         Board several years ago, but never voted on by the
         membership, followed by a vote to approve them.

         Please plan to attend our June meeting for this im-
         portant discussion and vote.

         See you on the 16 !

         (Continued from page 1)

         too many unnecessary things like this running
         in the background, it will slow down your com-

                                                                After  you  select  the  Download  option,  a  dialog
         Also,  whenever  you  visit  websites,  they  make     box will pop up that lets you save the install file.
         copies  of  things  and  store  them  in  so-called
         temporary files. The files are called temporary,
         but they remain there until you remove them.

         For example; Internet Explorer saves things in
         a number of categories. BTW, if you have more
         than one user that can login to your computer,
         these files are saved separately for each differ-
         ent user. Each web browser program (Internet                                                (Continued on page 6)

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