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(Continued from page 15)                               bles  and  get  it  running  again.  Had  I been  in a
                                                                rush  get  her  back  on  line  again,  I  might  have
         home automation might be worth the effort right        resorted to simply buying her a new PC, an un-
         now, as these are currently hot topics. Hot topics     necessary additional expense.
         can  change  as  technology  changes,  however.
         Over the years I have gained some expertise in         I  have  bought  several  relatively  low-cost,  on-
         carburetors,  floppy  disks  and  parallel  port       sale items over the years as alternates or back-
         (printer) interfaces, but now that knowledge and       ups to things I already have. These include rout-
         experience  is  less  useful  to  me.  Spending  at    ers,  Ethernet  switches,  cables  (Ethernet,  USB,
         least  some  time  becoming  a  generalist  might      power,  etc.), battery  chargers and  USB drives.
         bring longer lasting rewards. One field I’d recom-     These can help you quickly isolate the cause of
         mend learning more about is physics, which re-         problems and perhaps get you running again, at
         lates to almost everything we call high tech, from     least temporarily. It is always good to have more
         the  orbits  of  GPS  satellites  to  the  operation  of   than one way of doing things, in case your pri-
         semiconductor devices.                                 mary  means  suddenly  fails.  It  costs  nothing  to
                                                                have multiple browsers available on your com-
         That does not mean that learning new skills and        puter, in case accessing a web site becomes a
         emphasizing particular topics is not important. I      problem. If you can’t get your email to download
         fear we, as a society, may be abandoning some          on  your  PC,  can  you  access  it  on  your  smart
         hands-on skills in favor of more on-line and virtu-    phone?  If  your  Wi-Fi  does  not  work,  can  your
         al pursuits. While I don’t follow them much my-        wired PC still access the Internet? These kinds
         self, the increase in popularity of TV shows deal-     of  substitutions  can  help  isolate  the  cause  of
         ing with home remodeling (HGTV) and cooking            problems with little cost or risk.
         (Food Network) means people still have an inter-
         est in creating things themselves, which is good.      Even with a little extra cost, some redundancy in
         Knowing  how  to  play  music  on  Pandora  or         the things that are important to you can be justi-
         through your Amazon Echo is not the same as            fied. Having a second TV might keep you from
         knowing  how  to  play  a  musical  instrument.        missing that big game. A cheap second car (or
         Knowing  how  to  get  food  delivered  through        a bicycle) can be an alternative to missing work
         GrubHub  is  not  the  same  as  knowing  how  to      when  your  car  won’t  start.  Keeping  a  spare
         cook.                                                  phone charger or USB battery pack at work or in
                                                                the  car  can  be  a  lifesaver  when  your  smart
         Having a Backup Plan is Helpful. For activities        phone battery is low or fails to hold a charge.
         you  feel  are  important,  having  a  backup  ap-
         proach  is  crucial.  This  applies  not  only  to  the   A Logical Outlook and the Application of the
         backup  of  data  on  a  computer  hard  drive  to     Scientific Method Can Help Solve Problems.
         avoid loss due to hardware failure or an attack        In helping you solve a problem with their prod-
         by  ransomware,  but  also  to  a  “backup”  of  the   uct, a company’s tech support department may
         computing function itself. One of the best invest-     have a script to follow in directing you on what
         ments  I’ve  made  in  my  wife’s  computing  re-      to check and in what order. You won’t have this
         sources  is  in  her  own  laptop.  Though  she  sel-  advantage  if  you  perform  your  own  trouble-
         dom uses it, preferring her desktop PC, it really      shooting, but a little logic and thoughtful consid-
         took the pressure off me when her primary com-         eration can help. Following the scientific method
         puter  suddenly  failed  to  boot  up  recently.  She   will always keep you on the right track. First, ask
         was  able  to  reluctantly  switch  to  her  laptop  for   a  question  (typically,  why  does  this  thing  not
         work and home computing needs, giving me the           work?),  then  research  (what  may  be  the
                                                                                                    (Continued on page 17)
         time to  investigate  her  desktop machine’s trou-

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