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Membership Chairperson                                             L.C.A.C.E.

                            Report                                          Club Historian

           Will be updated                                      History Report, 2018-07-21

                 Next Month                                     By Les Larkin

                                                                Our July meeting/PICNIC was conducted by
                                                                Phil Bock. It was certainly more picnic than
                                                                meeting, in that there was no formal presen-
                                                                tation, door prize, or 50/50 raffle. Just great
                                                                food and social interaction. However, I heard
                                                                computer related issues being discussed.
                                                                This was easy to do, being a participant in
                                                                those myself.

                                                                Liz Barnett, with the help of many others, laid
                                                                out a fine spread of ant-free vittles for an ap-
                                                                preciative group.

                                                                Another great meeting, and I hope to see you
                                                                at our August 18 meeting at the Grayslake

                                       Leslie D. Salsburg

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