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but instead gave an error indication. Later it
(Continued from page 16)
would boot and is currently running, but I appar-
cause?). Next, come up with a hypothesis (a ently can’t access the drive. I have the data
possible cause for the failure), and develop an backed up on an external USB hard drive, so
experiment to test for that cause, recording what getting the network drive working right now is
you did and the result. You can repeat this as not critical. Hopefully I will find time to continue
necessary until the problem is solved. debugging on it soon.
Typically, you will want to try the most likely and In most cases my persistence has paid off more
easy to test reasons for failure (reboot, cycle quickly. Recently my father had a problem going
power, verify power connections, verify cable to web pages on his Windows 7 desktop com-
connections, verify all system inputs are good, puter. His Internet Explorer web browser could
etc.) before moving on to more complicated, un- bring up web pages but clicking on links in those
likely or expensive things to try. Even if you can’t pages was ineffective. I reviewed all the browser
resolve it yourself, keeping a written record of settings, and found no way to repair or reinstall
what you have tried, and the detailed results will IE, which I believed was the problem. To prove
be helpful if you do finally need to talk with tech this, I proposed testing another browser. My fa-
support. ther agreed to try using Chrome, which I at-
tempted to install using IE, the only browser on
Solving Problems Requires Practice. Just as his PC. Unfortunately, the Chrome browser in-
with playing a sport or a musical instrument, you stallation is accessed from a link on a Google
only become good at solving problems if you web page, which I could not get to work with IE.
practice it. Some tech problems will turn out to I finally tried installing Firefox, which did not re-
be easy to solve, while others may require more quire going through a web page link to install,
experience, knowledge and perhaps effort. Un- and it had no trouble with links in web pages. I
derstand that there are going to be some prob- then used Firefox to install Chrome, and my dad
lems that may seem (or may be) unsolvable. Al- was then happy on the Internet again.
ways try the easy and low-cost / low risk debug
steps before calling in the experts / tech support, Knowing Where to Get Answers is Important.
so you can build up that experience and confi- When the problem is with a product or service,
dence in your debugging skills. the manufacturer or provider is the first place to
look (especially if it is still under warranty). Tech-
Persistence Usually Pays Off. If at first you nology user groups can be a great place to get
don’t succeed, try, try again. This proverb cer- help with general problems and learn new
tainly applies to resolving tech issues. My win/ things. For more specific issues, a user forum or
loss record for solving problems is pretty good, web site (like CNET) can answer questions and
and it is improved by my not accepting a loss at provide helpful hints and tutorials. Of course,
times, but instead keeping the issue open. I your search engine can bring helpful information
have a few problems I continue to pursue a solu- from all over the Internet. I once needed to re-
tion to, just not very actively currently. I’ve found place the rechargeable battery in my electric
an acceptable work-around or alternative to the toothbrush and was able to find replacement
issues, and while I do intend to continue to seek parts and disassembly videos through a web
solutions, I am free to work on more pressing search. This does not help much, however, if
activities in the short term. One example is the your problem is in getting on the web.
problem I started having with my network hard
drive a few months ago. I found it turned off a
few times, and when restarted, it would not boot,