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(Continued from page 14)                              - not expert reviewers (who may be biased), not
                                                               governments  (which  can  change)  and  not  com-
         sources  in  both  time  (on  my  part)  and  money,   panies  (whose  interests  are  in  making  money,
         and there is typically a trade-off involved. More     not  what  may  be  best  for  you).  Unfortunately,
         of my time (in labor, research and experimenta-       you must often be knowledgeable in many fields
         tion)  can  be  traded  away  by  allocating  more    to effectively evaluate which tech solution is best
         money to the tasks (hiring services to install, de-   for you (between product types, between product
         bug or repair, or spending more on insurance or       brands,  or  even  between  low  tech  and  high
         service  contracts).  I  could  spend  all  my  time   tech).  Knowing  the  background  and  history  of
         maintaining  and  repairing  everything  I  can  my-  things,  as  well  as  how  things  (or  devices)  work
         self, but then when would I get to enjoy the ben-     can  help  tremendously  when  your  stuff  doesn’t
         efits of all this tech?    I could easily farm out all   seem to work. Even if you are not going to debug
         the set up and upkeep for stuff in our lives, but     and  repair  things  yourself,  having  a  basic
         would I be able to afford it, and would I become      knowledge  of  the  parts  in  and  functions  of  the
         dependent and unable to determine if I were be-       problem  device  (computer,  phone,  car,  appli-
         ing taken advantage of or controlled?                 ance) is  helpful  in being  able  to  evaluate  if  you
         Somehow, we all must come up with a balance           are getting honest and cost-effective support ser-
         for this if we are to be successful users of tech-    vices.
         nology.  Paying  for  everything  is  easy,  if  you   Being  an  Expert  is  Good  but  Having  More
         have the money. Attempting to solve your inevi-       General Knowledge Might be Better. Expertise
         table  tech  problems  yourself  is  harder  but  has   is something gained by study and experience in
         advantages. Here are a few of my thoughts on          a field, which takes time. Taking the time to gain
         how  to  successfully  coexist  (and  hopefully       more  expertise  in  certain  tech  aspects  can  be
         thrive) with today’s (and tomorrow’s) technology      very  helpful.  Becoming  an  expert  in  computer
         and solve your own tech problems.                     hardware,  networking,  computer  security  or
         Knowledge  is  Important. No one knows what
                                                                                                    (Continued on page 16)
         is best for you or your family better than yourself

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