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Each of these aspects has influenced the others,
                                                                though  it  is  unlikely  we  will  evolve  pointed  fin-
                                                                gers to better press on smart phone screens, as
                                                                our  tech  and  cultural  changes  are  coming  far
         (While Trying Really Hard)                             faster than our human bodies can adapt.

                                                                We  often  get  the  latest  tech  gadgets  to  fill  a
                                                                need, enhance our lives, save time or money or
         By Greg Skalka, President, Under the Comput-           simply keep up with others. Anything new is usu-
         er Hood User Group                                     ally different from what we are used to, requiring

         February 2018 issue, Drive Light                       some  learning  and  adaptation.  Even  when  we
                                                                think we have mastered our technology, we can
                                                                find that success is fleeting. More and more de-
         president (at)                               vices are programmable and are frequently con-

         You  may  be  able  to  succeed  in  some  things      nected  to  the  Internet  -  often  the  device  you
         without really trying but dealing with technology      have today behaves differently after tomorrow’s
         is not typically one of them. While our modern         updates.  Setting  up  your  devices  can  be  chal-
         lives  are  awash  in  new  tech,  we  must  often     lenging,  and  when  things  don’t  work,  or  stop
         struggle to cope with it. New innovations bring        working, where do you go for help?
         the potential for much good for our world and          As an engineer, I should have a front-row seat
         our individual lives, but they can also have un-       on the technology express we are all riding on.
         anticipated  negative  consequences  for  our          I’ve been educated in engineering principles and
         planet,  our  society  and  ourselves.  On  a  per-    work  daily  to  advance  the  capabilities  of  the
         sonal  level,  our  everyday  interactions  with       equipment  and  networks  our phones  and  com-
         technology  can  help  us  get  ahead,  save  us       puters use to communicate. Most of the time my
         time, connect us, isolate us, cost us resources        work  is  rather  unglamorous:  creating  spread-
         and drive us crazy, often all at the same time.        sheets,  writing  reports,  probing  uncooperative
         New  technology  usually  means  change,  and          hardware.  While  I  am  closer  than  most  to  the
         how  we  deal  with  the  changes  will  determine     origins of our new tech, I too am often confound-
         our success.                                           ed by devices that don’t work as promised, dis-

         Technology is simply putting science to practi-        mayed  when  they  fail  and  feel  apprehension
         cal use to solve our problems. We have been            over  where  all  these  things  are  taking  us  as  a
         using  technology  since  the  dawn  of  human-        society.
         kind. Stone tools and fire-starting methods are        I’ve  often  been  successful  in  solving  my  own
         just early forms of technology. We as a species        problems with new devices and software, as well
         have  evolved,  along  with  our  society  and  our    as  maintaining  and  repairing  my  stuff.  A  lot  of
         technology,  each  evolving  at  different  rates.     people look to me for help with their tech prob-
         Our tech has changed, from hand axes to loco-          lems, and I am depended on to be the family IT
         motives to smart phones, while our social sys-         (information technology) person, as well as ap-
         tem  has  gone  from  tribes  to  countries  to  a     pliance  repairman,  auto  mechanic,  handyman,
         global   community.  We        have     physically     plumber, electrician, gardener and tech installer.
         changed  as  well,  with  less  physical  effort  re-  With  all  these  responsibilities,  it  is  rare  that  I
         quired in our daily lives, more leisure time and       don’t have a long list of household problems to
         a greater abundance of food resulting in a ris-        solve. Successful resolutions usually require re-
         ing  obesity  problem  in  the  developed  world.
                                                                                                    (Continued on page 15)
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