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(Continued from page 8)                                your phone screen is being shown on the TV,
                                                                so  go  to  your  favorite  Picture  Viewer  and
         the TV or from a wall adapter). There is only          show your pictures. (In fact, at this point any-
         one  light  on  the  Chromecast  and  it  should       thing  you  do  with  your  phone  will  be  shown
         eventually turn white. Start the Home App on           on the TV, so be careful.)  When you are fin-
         your phone by touching the App. (Note: your            ished  showing  the  pictures,  go  back  to  the
         phone  and  the  Chromecast  must  be  on  the         Home  App  on  your  phone  and  touch  “Cast
         same  Wi-Fi  network.)    Once  the  App  starts,      screen/audio” again, and on the next screen,
         touch  the  menu  icon  in  the  top  left  of  the    touch “Disconnect”, and the TV will no longer
         screen.                                                show the phone screen.
                                                                Just  as  an  alternative,  if  you  have  your  pictures
                                                                on a laptop and you have Windows 10, you can
                                                                display  your  pictures  on  your  big  screen  TV  by
                                                                using  a  Microsoft  Wireless  Display  Adapter
                                                                (approx.  $60)  connected  to  the  TV.  The  Display
                                                                Adapter is connected to the TV just as described
                                                                for the  Chromecast. On the  laptop taskbar,  click
                                                                the Action Center, and then select the  “Connect”
                                                                button,  which  will  connect  your  laptop  with  the
                                                                Display Adapter via Wi-Fi and your laptop display
                                                                will be reproduced on the TV.
         Opening Screen

                                                                A way better way to take


                                                                By Jasmine D’Katz
                                                                I  have  turned  my  smartphone  into  a  faux-pro
                                                                camera  with  DJIs  handheld  gimbal.  It’s  like  a
         Touch Menu screen
                                                                selfie  stick  on  steroids.  But  if  you  have  shaky
          This  will  present  a  screen  with  “Devices”  in   hands your video will be stabile as a rock. I’ve
         the  list.  Tap  “Devices”.  Follow  the  set-up  in-  taken a glance at the Osmo a couple of years
         structions to  set up  the  Chromecast.  Finally,      ago  but  it  was  out  of  my  price  range,  but  with
         a  Chromecast  screen  will  be  shown  on  your
         phone  and  a  background  picture  should  be         the  new  Osmo  Mobile  2  and  the  $129  price  I
         shown  on  your  TV.  (Both  displays  will  show      can  reasonable  add  it  to  my  photography
         the  Chromecast  Identification,  of  your             arenol. Besides, I like new toys.
         Chromecast device, towards the top on your
         phone, and on the bottom on the TV.)  Once             Once I charged the Osmo Mobile 2 and installed
         you  see  this  display,  go  back  to  the  screen    the software on my phone it was time to insert
         where  you found  “Devices”, and touch  “Cast          my  phone  into  the  spring-loaded  clamp  of  the
         screen/audio”, which will show a “Cast to” se-         gimbal.  I had  to  remove  the  phone  case  to  in-
         lection. Touch the Chromecast Identification,          stall it. The instructions left me a little in the dark
         and a connecting notification should show up.
         When the connecting notification goes away,            as to balancing the phone on two axis and I had
         you  are  connected,  and  your  phone  screen                                             (Continued on page 10)
         should  be  displayed  on  the  TV.  Voila,  now

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