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(Continued from page 4)                                #PhotoADay has monthly prompts for each day
                                                                of  the  year.  Melissa  Dickerson,  also  known  as

         Create a board so you can find it again. It’s like     “Genealogy      Girl   Talks”     puts    up    the
         a  notebook,  with  a  different  name.  Or  perhaps   #GenealogyPhotoADay  prompts  monthly.  The

         more like a folder without taking up space in the      idea is to write about that prompt and attach a
         room where you keep your genealogy. There is           photo to it. For instance, this is written May 17,

         no limit on the number of boards you can create.       2018.  The  prompt  for  today  is  Religion.  So,  I
         Create a history folder, then have sub folders for     could      write      a     post      like     this.
         each branch of your family. Perhaps, you partic-       #GenealogyPhotoADay  I  am  Jewish.  I  have

         ularly like a specific blogger, look for that person   been all my life. However, after our son married
         on  Pinterest.  Then  just  click  follow.  Do  you  do   a Catholic and wanted his children raised Jew-

         need  information  on  free  genealogy  sources.       ish,  we  didn’t  feel  comfortable  at  our  reformed
         Search  Pinterest.  Do  you  need  money  to  sup-     Jewish congregation. I had heard a rabbi speak

         port  your  genealogy  addiction?  You  can  find      to our Council of Jewish Women’s group several
         jobs there, also. Learn about affiliate programs,      times. I also knew Rabbi Dan Friedman was rab-

         another way to make money, if you have a web-          bi at Congregation Beth Or and our friends be-
         site. This is what Thomas MacEntee calls pas-          longed  there.  After  listening  to  a  very  boring
         sive income. There are so many more uses, but          Rosh Hashanah service at my parents’ reformed

         I’ve only listed a few.                                congregation,  I  called  the  friend  and  asked

                                                                whether she had an extra ticket for the morning
                                                                service. I went and decided quickly that I could
                Have you noticed those # popping up all
         over? It is used to identify to someone else, you      be comfortable at a Humanistic Jewish congre-
                                                                gation. It took a while, but we did eventually join
         are talking about a certain subject. It began on
                                                                and  when  it  split  into  two  congregations  we
         Twitter, I  think.  Suppose  you  want  everyone  to
         know  you  are  going  to  write  about  genealogy     joined  Kol  Hadash  Humanistic  Congregation.
                                                                So,  this  way  you  write  about  genealogy  every
         that  day.  #genealogy  will  tell  your  reader  your
         post will be about #genealogy. There are several       day.  A  photo  would be  attached to this, by  the
                                                                way. If this was posted on Twitter, it would have
         genealogy projects that you will only hear about
                                                                to be much shorter, but it could be as a blog, or
         if you are on social medial. The three I am work-
                                                                on  FB  or where  ever you  want  it  to  be.  It  gets
         ing  on  this  year  are  #GenealogyPhotoADay,
                                                                you writing regularly. Plus, finding photos is fun
         #Book of Me, and #52 Ancestors.
                                                                and  with  cell  phones  there  are  so  many  more
                                                                that right at your fingertips.

                                                                                                     (Continued on page 6)

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