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(Continued from page 6)                                                                       for    most
                                                                                                       home  and
                                                                                                       office   pe-
         Twitter  for  genealogists.  Experiment  and  learn.
         It’s the only way.                                                                            including
                Instagram  is  not  nearly  so  obvious  as  a                                         and  porta-

         genealogical tool. If you have a genealogy busi-                                              ble  storage
         ness,  it’s  a  way  to  promote  it.  Which  in  turn

         means  if  you  are  interested  in  a  certain  busi-                                        USB stand-
                                                                                                       ard are de-
         ness, it might be a way to learn more about it.
         One  thing  that  makes  Instagram  different,  is  a   and maintained by an instructor body called the

         picture must be posted. Words can be attached,         USB Implementers Form (USB-IF). In its original
         but  the photo  is  a must.  Genealogists  put their   specification,  USB  defined  only  two  connectors
                                                                Type  A  and  B.  Revisions  to  the  specifications
         pictures up on Instagram, too. So, you can find
                                                                and demands on manufacturers have expanded
         the # there also.                                      the breadth of connectors used for USB device,
                                                                but majority USB products still use theses A and

                                                                B  connector  interface.  Buy  more  recently  the
                I left LinkedIn last because of well-known      Type  3  USB  had  been  created  to  supple  the
                                                                faster transfer rate of the USB 3.0 devices.
         social networks, it is probably the least useful for

         the average researcher. It is primarily a business     Hopefully the enclosed chart will help you identi-
                                                                fy the type of USB connector you are using.
         networking  site.  If  you  have  a  genealogy  busi-
         ness,  join  LinkedIn.  If  you  are  seeking  a  job  in

         the genealogical industry, it is a good choice. It
         also can be useful to make connections and get          What your Smartphone?

         and give recommendations.
                                                                By  Phil  Sorrentino,  Newsletter  Contributor,  Sarasota
                                                                Technology Users Group, FL

                                                                June 2016 issue, STUGMonitor
         Compiled by Jasmine D’Katz                   
                                                                philsorr (at)
         Universal  Serial  Bus  (USB)  was  developed  in
         the 90s in an effort to simplify the connection be-    How  would  you  like  to  show  all  the  pictures
         tween peripheral devices. It has become widely         that  are  on  your  phone,  on  your  big  screen
                                                                TV? HDMI comes to mind as an obvious solu-
         popular due to the compatibility with many plat-       tion;  just  get  an  HDMI  cable,  connect  it  up,
         forms  and  operating  systems.    It’s  low  cost  of   and  sit  back  and  watch.  But  unfortunately,
         implementations, and its ease to use. Most com-        most phones don’t have an HDMI output port.
         puter  that  are  build  today  come  with  several    (Most  laptops  have  an  HDMI  output,  so  you
         USB  ports,  and  USB  is  the  interface  of  choice   may already be doing this with your laptop, an
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 8)

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