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for your research? You haven’t joined a group,
                                                                yet. Type the name of a software. There is prob-

                                                                ably  a  group  for  that.  Do  you  have  a  question
                                                                about  DNA?  Type  DNA  and  many  groups  will
                                                                show up. Click group after any search and find

                                                                groups  about  that.  Oh,  there  isn’t a  group, yet.
                                                                Form one. That big white box in FB can search

                                                                for many things. Try it.

                Have you ever used social media for ge-
         nealogy? If you haven’t, you are missing a won-                       Do you know what a webinar is?

         derful  source  for  research.  First,  let’s  start  with   Ask  on  FB.  If  you  have  made  FB  genealogy
                                                                friends  and  have  a  problem,  ask  on  FB.  Can’t
         Facebook (FB).        It is probably the most well
                                                                find where to get a copy of a death certificate in
         known.  Originally,  I  used  it  to  keep  in  contact   such and such town. Ask on FB. If a friend lives
         with  my  sister’s  children.  Since  she  had  died,   in  that  town,  the  friend  might  know  where  and

         and they lived out of town, it became a wonder-
                                                                how. If you have genealogy friends, you will usu-
         ful way to keep in touch. However, soon I heard        ally get a quick answer. Are you starting a gene-

         that  many  genealogists  used  it  too.  So,  I  went   alogy  business?  Join  a  genealogy  business
         looking. Just by putting genealogist in the search     group. You’ll get great suggestions. Perhaps you

         box, I found many genealogists were available to       would  like  a  wonderful  list  of  all  the  genealogy
         be friends. Just click on a name to find out more
                                                                groups on FB. Try this which was suggested by
         about the person. The name will take you to their      Thomas  MacEntee.  Katherine  R.  Willson  has

         FB  site.  When  you  click  about,  you  will  see
                                                                this  “Genealogy  on  Facebook  List”  which  is  a
         whether  you  have  anything  else  in  common.        downloadable                                  book.

         Maybe, it is someone you heard speak or met at
         a conference. Friend that person to learn about        facebook-list/

         ways  to  do  research  that  you  haven’t  tried.  If
         your name is uncommon, try putting that in the
                                                                        What  about  Pinterest?  Google  it.  Or
         search  box.  Some  unknown  or  forgotten  rela-
                                                                search for it on FB. I heard from a friend about it.
         tives might be on FB. Our family name is Spie-
                                                                I started by looking for recipes. Then I found cro-
         gelglass  which  is  not  very  common.  I  found
                                                                cheting. Then genealogy. What a find that was. I
         Spiegel,  Spiegelglas,  Spiegelglass  and  other
                                                                could  use  an  extension  on  almost  any  internet
         possible  family  names.  Then,  I  searched  for
                                                                browser  and  get  a  Pinterest  extension.  When
         Pelofsky. Wow! There were many of those, too.
                                                                you find a website you like, save it to Pinterest.
         But, you aren’t interested in finding friends. What

         else can you do? Do you use a piece of software                                             (Continued on page 5)

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