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(Continued from page 7)                                So,  Miracast  appears  to  be  the  solution.  But,
                                                                this is where reality goes in a little different di-
         HDMI cable, and a big screen TV.) So, without          rection  and  diverges  from  design.  Although
         HDMI on your phone, it will have to be accom-          Google was an early supporter of Miracast (by
         plished  by  some  other  mechanism.  Another,         including  support  in  early  Android  versions),
         maybe  obvious,  way  is  just  to  move  the  pic-    when Google built a device that could be used
         tures to a device that has HDMI and use your           to display a phone’s screen on a big screen TV
         trusty  HDMI  cable.  You  can  move  your  pic-       without wires, they did not include Miracast in
         tures  to  a  laptop  using  USB,  or  a  Micro  SD    the  device,  (though  Miracast  may  still  be  the
         card (if you have a port on your phone), or the        solution  in  the  future).  Google’s  device  is
         Wi-Fi  App  (see  the  January  2017  article).        called  “Chromecast”.  It  is  about  the  size  of  a
         Once your pictures are on the laptop, you can          silver  dollar  with  HDMI  and  USB  connectors,
         use the  HDMI  output  and  enjoy  the  presenta-      and  can  be  purchased  for  about  $35.  The
         tion on the big screen.                                HDMI  connector  is  plugged  into  a  free  HDMI
                                                                connector  on  the  TV,  and  the  USB  connector
         If you still want to have the convenience of go-       provides  power  by  plugging  into  the TV  USB,
         ing  right  from  your  phone  to  your  big  screen   or  any  other  available  USB  connector.  The
         TV,  you  are  in  luck,  there  is  another  mecha-   Google  Chromecast  device  does  not  support
         nism. While you and I were just thinking of the        Miracast,  though  it  does  a  very  similar  func-
         problem,  the  Wi-Fi  Alliance  has  been  busily      tion. It allows a remote device (your phone) to
         creating  a  solution.  The  solution  is  Miracast.   display  (or  mirror)  its  screen  on  the  TV
         Miracast  is  a  standard  that  attempts  to  elimi-  (display) that the Chromecast is connected to,
         nate  the  need  for  HDMI  cables.  It  provides  a   without  using  an  HDMI  cable  between  the
         wireless  standard  that  allows  devices  to  dis-    phone and the TV. The Chromecast device (as
         cover  each  other,  connect  to  each  other,  and    well  as  other  Google  Home  devices)  is  con-
         mirror the contents of their screens wirelessly.       trolled  and  setup  using  a  free  App  on  the
         Miracast  is  a  standard  for  a  secure  wireless    phone. The App is called  “Google Home” and
         connection      from      devices     (such      as    is available at the Google Play Store.
         Smartphones,  Tablets,  and  Laptops)  to  dis-
         plays (such as TVs, Projectors and Monitors).
         Miracast  essentially  replaces  the  cable  used
         from the device to the display and can casually
         be describes as HDMI over Wi-Fi. Miracast se-                   Google Home Icon
         curely transfers both high quality video (1080p
         HD)  and  high-quality  audio  (5.1  surround           As it turns out now, Google’s solution seems
         sound).                                                to be  like Apple’s solution,  in  that  it may only
                                                                work with Google devices, although the Home
         Miracast  is  intended  to  be  interoperable,  that   App is available for  both Android and Apple’s
         is,  it  should  work  between  devices  that  are     iOS, so it may work with an iPhone.
         Miracast  certified,  independent  of  the  manu-
         facturer.  The  Wi-Fi  Alliance  began  certifying     Now, let us get back to solving the problem of
         devices  towards  the  end  of  2012,  so  there       showing your pictures on the big screen. With
         should  be  plenty  of  devices available;  in  fact,   an  Android  phone,  the  easiest  (and  maybe
         to  date  there  have  been  over  6,600  devices      cheapest) way to get those pictures on to the
         certified.  Microsoft  has  added  support  for        big  screen  is  probably  to  use  a  Chromecast
         Miracast  to  Windows  8.1  and  Windows10.            device  and  the  related  “Home”  App.  So,  here
         Google  has  added support  to all Android  ver-       is what we must do. Download the Home App
         sions  beyond  4.2.  (Apple  provides  AirPlay         to  your  phone  and  put  it  on  one  of  your  con-
         which  has  similar  features  but  will  only  work   venient    home      screens.     Connect      your
         with  other  Apple  devices.)  There  are  even        Chromecast to an unused HDMI input on your
         adapters that plug into HDMI or USB ports, al-         TV. Turn on the TV and change the TV input to
         lowing devices without built-in Miracast to con-       that  specific  HDMI  input.  Plug  the  USB  con-
         nect via Miracast.                                     nector on the Chromecast into a USB plug (on

                                                                                                     (Continued on page 9)

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