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(Continued from page 5)                                 cestors  were  there  to  answer  our  questions.

                                                                 For May 2018 the prompts are:
         Amy  Johnson  Crow  does  the  prompts  for  #52
         Ancestors. For this week the prompt is Week 20          ▪ What or who are you proud of?

         (May 14-20): Another Language. So, as a gene-
                                                                 ▪ What frustrates you?
         alogist, you could write about how you struggle

         translating  those  impossible  documents  written
                                                                 ▪ What  is  your  “favourite”  way  to  communi-
         in  a  foreign  language.  Or  how  your  grandpar-
         ents  learned  English  when  they  came  to  the
         United  States.  Or  it  could  be  about  how  lan-
                                                                 ▪ Name  a  treasured  possession  and  share
         guage has changed over the years. Or are your
         children  really  speaking  the  same  language  as
         you.  The  meanings  can  be  so  different.  There
                                                                 ▪ What & who do you value?
         are many ways to think about the two words an-
         other  language.  Plus,  it’s  interesting  to  read    Bet you can guess that Julie is from England.

         what others have written, too. The #52Ancestors
                                                                 Remember,  nothing  says  you  must  do  each
         works to show you the stories others have writ-
                                                                 one. It is left up to you. But I would suggest you
                                                                 get  started  now  writing  about  you.  I  felt  so

                                                                 strongly about this, I gave a presentation using
         The  #Bookofme  prompts  are  put  up  by  Julie
                                                                 Julie’s  prompts  and  her  introduction.  By  the
         Goucher.  Every  month,  there  is  a  list  of  the
                                                                 way, because she was a FB friend, it was easy
         prompts  for  that  month.  Each  of  these  women
                                                                 to  ask  whether  she  would  mind  my  using  the
         have  done  this  other  years.  Julie’s  is  the  only
                                                                 Book of Me prompts.
         one I have personally done before. This group is
                                                                        Twitter is also  used by  genealogists for
         called Series 3 – 1 January 2018 – 31 Decem-
                                                                 announcements  of  #chat  which  take  place  on
         ber  2018  (Getting  to  Know  You  Series).  Each
                                                                 Twitter  at  a  certain  time  and  date.  If  you  are
         month there are weekly ideas. This one can be           available,  you  can  join  in.  Genealogists  tell

         strictly for you. Most of us get so busy research-      about new websites that have been found. If a
                                                                 person likes a post, it can be retweeted to their
         ing we forget that our descendants would like to
                                                                 followers. The more genealogy people you fol-
         know more about us just like we wished our an-          low, the more you will understand the value of

                                                                                                     (Continued on page 7)

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