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Phil’s Ramblings

         Unhappy with all the rain we had in May and                 ·  Show ‘n Tell – another opportunity for
         June?  July solved that problem!                               members to display & discuss technolo-
         In our indoor world of computing, nothing dra-              ·  Grayslake Library technology “Hub” / 3-
         matic has happened.  But underneath the sur-                   D printing
         face, a lot is going on.  The biggest news is 5G       Unfortunately for us (but hopefully good for her)
         cellular data, which may enhance our                   Chynna Rose will not be able to do a presenta-
                               smartphone capabilities          tion for us any time soon about Skype (as I
                               and offer an alternative to      mentioned in the June newsletter) because of
                               home fiber-optic and DSL         the responsibilities of her current job.  Unless
                               Internet service.  But the       someone else feels comfortable covering Skype
                               greatest impact may be in        at a coming meeting, we’ll put the Skype
                               providing fast IoT connec-       presentation on the back burner for now.
         tivity.  Here is a link to a PC World article that     But there are a number of other topics on our
         discusses this new technology:  https://               list.  Linda Rohlfing and I will follow up with Mike                    Andrews to see if he can cover one or more of
         announces-low-band-5g-network.  T-Mobile has           the other program subjects.  And, I will check
         just announced a $3.5 Billion deal to buy gear         the library of YouTube videos from past APCUG
         from Nokia that they will need for their 5G roll-      Virtual Technology Conferences for a match to
         out – so they are clearly stepping on the gas!         some of the potential programs.  Meanwhile,

         In LCACE news, we had a relaxing and enjoya-           please consider volunteering – on your own or
         ble picnic at State Bank of the Lakes in July.         in partnership with another LCACE member or
         Many thanks to Liz Barnett for coordinating our        a friend, business associate, etc. – to cover one
         food service, and to all who brought food and          or more of the topics on our list.
         helped with set-up and clean-up!                       April was our LCACE anniversary month.  As
         In the June newsletter, I listed the topics sug-       J.J. has reminded us, annual membership dues
         gested during our May meeting for future pro-          are payable in April.  At last count, we still have
         grams. To refresh your memory, here they are           at least 15 families and/or individuals who have
         again:                                                 not renewed their membership for the 2018-
                                                                2019 fiscal year.  If you have not yet renewed,
             ·  Skype and other video-calling applica-          please follow up with J.J. at our August meeting
             ·  Useful cell phone apps – Android and            or by mail to complete your renewal!
                 iOS; perhaps as a panel discussion             (While we are on this subject, please continue
             ·  Using Zoom as a video-conferencing
                 tool for net meetings                          to invite friends, family members and casual ac-
             ·  Tivo / Netflix tutorial                         quaintances to our meetings and encourage
             ·  Costco technology offerings & support –         them to become full-fledged members!  We can
                 later in the year                              help them and they can help us – as we journey
             ·  Using a laptop computer as a desktop            together toward safe, productive and fun use of
             ·  All-in-One computers, explanation, pros         computers and related technology.)
                 & cons, etc.                                   See you at our August meeting – on the third
                                                                Saturday (August 18 )!
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