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                                                               Review: Tech Night, March 2018

                                                                By Paul Stackhouse, Member, Central Kentucky
                                                                Computer Society

                                                                April 2018 issue, CKCS newsletter

         to get that info later on YouTube. Balancing was
         the  most  difficult  procedure  and  took  a  few     newsletter (at)
         minutes to set it up, but once you get the hang
         then the next time you install your phone it will
         be  a  breeze.    The  Osmo  Mobile  cam  hold  my     On  the  subject  of  “cutting  loose  of  cable  TV,
         phone in portrait or landscape, but I don’t know       CKCS  long-time  member  Paul  Stackhouse
         why anyone would shoot in portrait.                    found  there  was  a  full  house  of  members  and
                                                                guests  interested  in  the  subject.  It  is  clear that
         Now to the fun stuff! The Osmo Mobile is a sta-
         bilizer that keeps your phone from bouncing up         the  climbing  cost  of  cable  service  has  caused
         and  down  as  you  walk  around. When  I  hit  the    hundreds, or maybe thousands of Lexingtonians
         power button the gimbal came alive and balance         to look for lower cost options.
         the  phone.  The  Osmo  Mobile  paired  with  my
         iPhone  via  Bluetooth  which  now  allows  me  to     Paul offered  four  questions  one  should  answer
         use the DJI app to control the phone. Some of          to decide if leaving cable TV is for you.
         the  best  features  of  the  app  is  to  use  moving
         time-lapse and the target follow me which keeps        1. DO YOU WATCH NON-BROADCAST CHAN-
         the  gimbal  locked  on  me  and  keeps  me  in-       NELS?
         frame.                                                 2.  WHAT  CHANNELS  DO  YOU  WANT  TO

         The  rocker  switch  on  the  side  allows  me  to     KEEP/LOSE?
         zoom in and out.  The M button toggles the gim-        3.  WHAT  STREAMING  SERVICE  SHOULD  I
         ble between the lock mode and the follow mode.         CHOOSE?
         The Osmo Mobil has an internal (rechargeable)          4. DO YOU (ALREADY) HAVE A STREAMING
         battery  that  is  suppose  to  give  my  up  to  15-  DEVICE?
         hours off a single charge. The USB port on the
         side can connect to my phone and use the Os-
         mo as a portable battery charge                        To  cut  costs,  Paul  primarily  suggested  two  op-

                                                                tions to consider.
                                                                (1)  Getting  an  antenna  and  watching  TV  over
                                                                the air or

                                                                                                    (Continued on page 11)

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