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         Apple iOS Has Great Secret Features, Bill             Navigation Tips for Windows 10, Rosita Herrick.
         Crowe (. This month, Bill looks at some of iOS        Rosita’s article covers several tips to navigate
         11’s hidden beneath the surface features: key-        Win 10.
         board, extra symbols, Siri, control center, cam-
         era, live photos long exposure mode, screen           Remote Access to all your Data – Phil Sorrenti-
         control, QR code scanner, handwritten e-mails,        no , By now, most of us know about the ‘Cloud
         new screen effects for Messages, and more.            Storage’ services like Dropbox, Google Drive,
                                                               OneDrive, SugarSync, Evernote, Box, etc. All
         Are you afraid of AI? Jim Cerny. AI means a           these services will give you a limited amount of
         computer or machine that can learn and be             free cloud storage. What is you could get remote
         creative in applying that knowledge. This arti-       access to all the data on your computer using
         cle is not really a lesson to be taught but a cau-    only a free popular App; would you try it? Find
         tion about our near future.                           out if this is for you…

         Basic iPad Skills  , Jim Cerny. The iPad is real-     Spring Creators Update for Windows, Rosita
         ly a full computer that is easily portable and so     Herrick , During her years of working with large
         helpful for many every-day tasks, communica-          mainframe computers, we used to have a saying:
         tion, entertainment, etc. Having taught many          “Just as you get used to today, along comes to-
         iPad classes, Jim lists some of the basic skills      morrow and everything changes.  Well, a big
         every iPad user should know.                          change just came to Windows 10. This article
                                                               features Timeline.
         How I Became a Published Author, Nancy De-
         Marte, An old adage says that we all have at          Taking Photos on your iPad and iPhone – the
         least one book inside us. It might be our mem-        ‘Camera’ and ‘Photos’ Apps, Jim Cerny (Approx.
         oirs, a travelogue, a mystery novel, a biog-          738 words). Your iPhone and iPad are great for
         raphy, or one of dozens of genres. Nancy              taking photos and there are many fun options to
         takes us through her journey of finding local         play with.
         storefront publishers (that didn’t work) so she
         tried the Internet. She’s paved the way for you       Texting…Anyone? Phil Sorrentino. Texting is
         to publish your book.                                 probably more popular than e-mail; they are simi-
                                                               lar but very different means of communicating.
         How to add new Faces and Names to Photos              The notification of a text seems to be a lot
         and How to Search for Things in iOS11, Bill           stronger than just “you’ve got mail.”
         Crowe. How do you add new faces to your li-
         brary? It’s still easy, although a little less obvi-  Thinking of a new Computer? Consider these
         ous. Bill covers better faces, adding new fac-        things, Phil Sorrentino. If you have a computer
         es , using the search feature and more.               with a hardware problem, or a computer that is
                                                               so old that it just doesn’t seem worth any more
         Music in all rooms – from one source, Phil Sor-       maintenance dollars, a new computer may be
         rentino, There are audio systems that distribute      just what the doctor ordered. Phil writes about
         music throughout the home. If you have a Wi-          the things we should consider before spending
         Fi network at home, with a few additions, you         our money.
         may already have the components to do what
         the very expensive Sonos system can do.               To Update Your Apps, Jim Cerny. Our comput-
                                                               ers, smart phones and tablets all run software

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