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How to Get Google to Quit Tracking You

         Google still tracks you, even when you think you've opted out. Here's how to actually turn off Google's
         tracking abilities for Google Maps on both iOS and Android devices.

                                                                Any Device
                                                                There are a few things you can do regardless of
                                                                what kind of device you have. To stop Google
                   ByChandra Steele andJason Cohen
                                                                from tracking, you can go
         August 14, 2018 4:10PM EST                             to under your Google ac-
                                                                count. On the left-hand drop-down menu, click
                                                                "Activity Controls. You can toggle off "Web & App
                                                                Activity" and "Location History" to stop Google
                                                                from storing your precise locations on your ac-
                                                                count. Note that turning these services off will di-
                                                                rectly affect Google Assistant and Google Home.
                                                                To delete any past location tracking that Google
                                                                has saved up to this point, you have to do so man-
                                                                ually. On, you can view
                                                                everything you have done on your device, includ-
                                                                ing Google searches and Google Maps directions.
                                                                Go through this list of activities and delete individ-
                                                                ual results by tapping on the three dots icon, then
                                                                tapping "Delete."

         Where you go, Google goes. According to a re-
         cent report, Google continues to track your mobile     Android
         device even if you've opted out of its tracking ser-   When you upgrade to the latest version of Google
         vices; Google's Location History continues to          Maps and check out your Timeline (Hamburger
         store location data. If you're looking to shut down    icon > Your timeline), Google asks you to turn on
         Google's ability to see where you are, here are a      Location History. You can then check out where
         few steps you can take.                                you've been. I signed in on a borrowed Galaxy
         When you have location services turned on,             Note 4, so the only thing it had tracked was my
         Google constantly pings your phone from cell tow-      location at the office
         ers and Wi-Fi and is using GPS to see where you
         are. The frequency with which it finds you can be
         every few minutes or every few seconds, which
         paints a pretty accurate picture of where you are
         at all times.

         And Google Maps keeps track of every step you
         (and your smartphone) take. Your activity is then
         archived in your Google Timeline. The fea-
         ture, introduced in 2015, can be a walk down
         memory lane, but it can also leave the door to
         your privacy wide open.

         With Timeline, Google Maps can not only show
         you where you're going but also where you've           If you'd rather not have your Android phone track-
         been. There might even be photograph-                  ing your location, go back to Your timeline and tap
         ic evidence, since Timeline syncs with any shots       on the three dots on the upper-right corner.
         uploaded to Google Photos. You can also share
         your locationwith anyone in real time on iOS and       •   Select Settings
         Android.                                               •   Scroll down to Location Settings.
                                                                •   Tap "Location History is on."
         If this all seems less helpful and more harmful,       •   A new window will appear; toggle the switch to
         you can remove your location history and tell             turn off for your specific device or all Location
         Google to quit it already and stop following you.         History across your entire Google account.
         Here's how.                                                                                (Continued on page 13)

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