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(Continued from page 8)                                    newsletters.
                                                                 •  Quarterly Report newsletter with region report that
         The maximum capacity is 900 Watts/1500 VA which way
                                                                    let member groups know what other groups are
         more than I need for my security system. but as I said,
                                                                    doing, ideas for members groups etc.
         the Price Was Right. According to the LED panel I can
         expect to get 120 minutes of runtime.         

         CybePower gives a 3-year warranty, including the
         battery, $500.00 Connected Equipment Guaranteed.

         As I said, the Price is Right because I priced this unit at
         Amazon for $149 but purchased it at Costco for $99. In   Educational Platform for Online Video Courses
         fact, I purchased two. The other supplies UPS to my Plex
                                                                 By Jasmine Blue D’Katz
                                                                 During the August meeting, Phil mention Udemy to find
                                                                 additional information on Digital Afterlife. For those of
                                                                 you that are not familiar with this site, it’s basically an
                                                                 online education platform for about anything you may
                                                                 be interested in. Udemy offers a wide range of courses
         This worldwide organization helps computer users’       such as: Health, Fitness, Language,
         groups by facilitating communication between APCUG
                                                                 I’ve been enrolled in Udemy courses for a few years,
         member groups, computer hardware and software
                                                                 and have taken courses on Photoshop, Lightroom, Web-
         makers and software vendors This non-profit corpora-
                                                                 site development, and even Guitar lessons. After enrol-
         tion, APCUG also helps member groups and their offic-
                                                                 ling in the courses, I was able to conduct a class with my
         ers fulfill their education goals with support material
                                                                 camera club from the information I obtained.
         and shared knowledge and experience.
                                                                 Udemy offers self-pace video courses that you can pur-
         While many member groups in APCUG are oriented
                                                                 chase. After your purchase, you can access the courses
         toward the Microsoft DOS and Window operating sys-
                                                                 at anytime and at your own pace. Courses start at $9.95,
         tem, may members groups have SIGs (Special Interest
                                                                 and Each course is provided with a syllabus of each indi-
         Groups), Forums, Classes, etc. for Android devices as
                                                                 vidual lesson and many of the lessons have additional
         well as the Linux OS and Chromebooks. Membership is
                                                                 material you can download. Some of the course are
         open to all technology user groups.
                                                                 even offered for free. There are also discussion threads
         APCUG offers many benefits to its member groups in-     and a lesson-specific notepad. I have found most of the
         cluding:                                                instructor to be very knowledgeable in their areas.
         •  Speaker Bureau, featuring over 100 presenters in     I’m just reflecting on what Phil mention at the meeting,
             20+ categories that Speaker Bureau presenters can   so I hope that you give them a look.
             give via interactive webinars.
         •  Quarterly Virtual Technology Conferences (VTC)
             each with different presentations to enhance mem-
             bers’ tech knowledge or ideal for running their
                                                                                             APCUG Videos
                                                                                             APCUG Facebook
         •  VTC videos that can be used for group presenta-
         •  PUSH tech articles sent to editors to use in their

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