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(Continued from page 3)                               dates are snapped up by outside organizations.  In
                                                                furtherance of this goal, they have also begun to add
          Another feature expected in the fall update is a new   what I would call “placeholders” on their calendar
          screenshot utility with annotation tools.  This new   (such as “Future Teen Event”) that may or may not
          utility is designed to replace the current Windows    actually happen.
          Snipping Tool and offers many more options.  Of       These changes have made it difficult for Liz Barnett
          note, once you have taken a screenshot a new          to consistently schedule our monthly meetings on the
          Screen Sketch tool can be used to annotate it,        second Saturday of each month.  This is why you
          draw on it, highlight certain portions and so on.
                                                                have seen our calendar switch back and forth be-
          Those who have been frustrated by having their        tween the second and third Saturdays over the past
          work interrupted by a restart triggered by a soft-    year.  Since the GAPL meeting rooms, AV system
          ware update being automatically installed on their    and staff support have met our needs very well (and
          Windows 10 PC will be happy to know that Mi-          we have not found a better alternative) we ask your
          crosoft has added a machine learning feature in the   patience as we work through this new reality.  We
          fall update designed to better understand when you    will do our best to provide you with the dates of fu-
          are using your computer (and avoid rebooting).        ture meetings well in advance, in the hope that you
                                                                can adjust your personal calendar accordingly.
          The list goes on and on; be sure to check out the
          entire article at the URL listed in the third para-   That said, here is the date for October’s meeting –
          graph.                                                Saturday, October 13 .  I’ve asked Liz to schedule
          On a different subject – and different software - a   us in November for Saturday, the 10 , but this is not
          change is coming to your Chrome browser.  Many        yet confirmed.  (Because of another program that
          Windows applications inject code into Chrome to       morning, we may have to shorten our Help Desk
          influence its behavior in some way.  (Antivirus soft-  session or hold part of it in the library lobby.)  I am
          ware is a good example.)  The problem with this?      sending out a separate email to all members about
          Even legitimate software code injected into Chrome    our September meeting; you should have received it
          can interfere with Chrome’s own code – leading        by the time you read this newsletter.
          Chrome to crash. (You may have experienced this
          yourself, accompanied by a notification asking you
          to “Update or remove problem applications” or
          “Update or remove incompatible applications”.  The
          notification will then take you to a list of applications
          responsible for the problem.)
                                                                Safety store your photos on an external hard drive

                                                                You thought your computer was a great place to store
                                                                photos—  least until they start filling up your hard drive
                                                                and slowing down your computer. The solution? Move
                                                                your photos onto an external hard drive and delete them
          Here is a How-To Geek article that discusses this     from your computer.
          problem in greater detail and describes Google’s
          plan to block code injection in a future Chrome up-   You’ll free up storage space plus protech your precious
          date: How-To-Geek                                     memories if your computer dies one day. Buy the biggest

          In closing, I’d like to discuss our LCACE meeting     external hard drive (HD) you can afford, then plug it into
          situation in more detail.  As I’ve explained at past   your computer to move your photos.
          LCACE meetings, the Grayslake Area Public Li-
          brary has moved from a 180-day scheduling             Cloud storage is another option for your computer or
          “window” for its meeting rooms to a 90-day window     smartphone. Cloud-base storage service will automati-
          – in large part to give them more time to schedule    cally save your photos. Plus no house fire can touch
          their own meetings and programs before desirable      them if you store them online.

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