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Should you leave your computer on

         24 HOURS A DAY?
                                                                Great Design & Solid Performance Give this UPS
         By Joe Isaac
                                                                By Jasmine Blue D’Katz
         Member, Central Kentucky Computer Society
         March 2018 issue, CKCS newsletter                                             I’ve recently installed a new                                                                  home security system and I
         newsletter (at)                                                      wanted to insure it continued
                                                                                       to work during power outage.
                                                                                       Therefore, I searched the two
                           NO! I shut my computer down
                           every night. If I'm going to be                             viable options between APC
                           gone several days I not only shut                           and CyberPower. I know APC
                           it down, I unplug the computer                              has been around for years and
                           from the wall and unplug the
                           phone line from the wall.                                   in fact I have a couple of small-
                                                                                       er units on my router/modem.
         You are wearing your fan motor out and pulling dust
         thru your computer. Your hard drive may be running                            But after reading a couple of
         more. If you get a big surge of electricity that jumps                        reviews, APC was being out
         your surge protector, it may save your computer by                            shined by CyberPower with
         having it turned off.
                                                                desirable features and especially price. I also realize the
         Your surge protector is passive and works whether
         it is turned off or on. When it is off, the surge must   CyberPower was not new to the block and has been in
         jump the switch and the surge protector to get to      business for over a decade.
         your computer.
                                                                The Automatic Voltage Regulation and GreenPower UPS
         The only good thing about leaving your computer
         on is that you can get rid of the dust bunnies, the    feature were the first to catch my eye and give me a rea-
         fan will pull them into your computer and your utility   son to make it my UPS of choice. The unit was ready to
         company will love you.                                 go right out of the box with no need to connect the
         With the increased use of always on – DSL and Ca-      battery. The unit contains two batteries which I can re-
         ble Internet and with the growing threat of hackers    place in hopefully more than 6 years.
         and worms, it makes even more sense to shut your
         computer down when not in use.                         The GreenPower feature significantly reduces energy

         A computer not running and not connected cannot        requirements which I didn’t see in other units. Battery
         be hacked.                                             life is supposed to last up to 6 years because of the AVR
         OTHER GREAT REASON TO CUT YOUR COM-                    technology. At 25 lbs. it much lighter than other units
                                                                I’ve previously purchased.
                 It's not unusual to get low on system re-
                 sources after you use Windows for a long       The unit provides six battery backup plus surge protec-
                 stretch, especially if you open and close pro-  tion and an additional four outlet with just surge protec-
                 grams frequently. Adding a bunch of RAM
                 doesn't help. System resources are stored      tion.
                 in fixed memory blocks that reside in your     I like the front panel LED screen which display about any-
                 System RAM.
                                                                thing I want to know about the UPS status on battery
                 Programs store certain routines inside your
                 system resources. Some programs don't          and power condition, including estimated runtime,
                 reallocate or release the memory, so after a   battery capacity, load capacity. Besides the LED readout,
                 while your machine gets full. You must re-     I can use the Power Panel Management software that
                 start Windows to free up memory again.
                                                                connect to my computer via UBS cable
         That's why Windows feels more reliable if you start
         it up fresh every day.                                                                      (Continued on page 9)

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