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Files on Demand                                            If you right-click one or more OneDrive files and
         By Nancy DeMarte, 2nd Vice President,                          select “Always keep on this device,” files will
                                                                        be available on both your device and
         The Sarasota Technology Users Group, FL                        OneDrive but will use hard drive space.
         March 2018 issue, Sarasota Monitor
                                                                    If you want to save space on your computer, / ndemarte (at)                    right click a file or folder in OneDrive and
         The 2017 Creators update (1709) to Windows 10                  click “Free up space.” This makes new files
         included several changes. One of my favorites is               created on other devices sync to your com-
         “Files on Demand,” a new process to make files                 puter. If you do not click this command,
         stored on OneDrive, the Microsoft cloud, available             these new files will appear as online-only.
         on your PC and other devices.                           To help you remember what the status is of files

         Anyone with a Windows 10 computer and a Mi-             and folders saved in OneDrive, a new status col-
         crosoft account automatically has 5GB of free stor-     umn has been added that contains an icon next to
         age on OneDrive. If more space is needed, $1.99 a       each file. The screen shot below shows how they
         month will provide 50GB of storage. Office 365 sub-     look and what the icons mean.
         scribers have 1TB (1000 GBs) of OneDrive storage.                             The folder next to the white
         If you have files stored on OneDrive, you might want                          cloud with a blue outline is
         to consider Files-on-Demand to manage them.                                   stored only on OneDrive.
                             To set up Files-on-Demand, you                            The folders with a checkmark
                             must enable it in OneDrive.                               in a white circle outlined in
                             First, locate the OneDrive icon                           green will download to the
                             on your computer. It may be                               computer when opened. The
                             listed in the File Explorer left    small people icon means that folder is shared.
                             column, or it may be an icon in     The folder with the solid green circle and checkmark
         the notification area of the taskbar. If it isn’t visible in   has been marked “Always keep on this device.” It
         that area, click the upside-down V and look for it in   will use hard drive space.
         the group of hidden icons that opens. The OneDrive
         icon resembles two white or blue clouds overlap-        Although stored in OneDrive, the two folders with
         ping. If you still can’t find it, try using the Cortana   blue circular arrows are synced between OneDrive
         search box or get it from the Microsoft store or Apple   and one or more computers and devices.
         store.                                                  Tips:
                               Right-click the OneDrive icon     •   If you delete a file from OneDrive using File Explorer,
                               and click the Settings tab. Un-      it will also be deleted from your
                               der Files-on-Demand, click
                               next to “Save space and              device.
                               download files as you use         •   If you want to disable Files-on-Demand, go to One
                               them.” and click OK. The fea-        Drive Settings tab and remove the
                               ture in now enabled. If you
                               want to use Files-on-Demand       •   checkmark next to “Save space and download files
         in OneDrive on other devices besides your comput-          as you use them.” When the feature is turned off, all
                                                                    your files which are synced to OneDrive will down-
         er, you need to enable it on each device.                  load to your computer and will no longer sync.
         The goal of Files-on-Demand is to save space on         •  For more information about Files-on-Demand,
         your computer or device by storing files on the Inter-     here is a useful website. Copy and paste it into
         net but making them easily available and up to date        the address bar on your browser: http://
         on your computer and other devices.              

             If you double-click a file in OneDrive, it down-    It takes a little practice to get used to this new sys-
                 loads to your computer or device while re-      tem, but its options make it an improvement over
                 maining stored on OneDrive.

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