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YOUTUBE is another American video-sharing web-
                                                                site that allows users to upload, view, share and add
                                                                favorite, reports and comments on videos. Usually
                                                                when I’m in the market for a product, I search some
                                                                of the YouTube videos on product reviews. Many of
         Where to do your online searching?                     the videos go through the unboxing of the produces
                                                                and many go through the setup and operation of the
         By Jasmine Blue D’Katz                                 products. I’ve found this useful when I’m purchase
                   here do you search for technology today?     digital cameras in the past.
                   There are so many places online to give      CONSUMER REPORT. If you are a subscriber to
         W  advice on technology on computers,                  this nonprofit monthly publication which dedicated to
         smartphone and smart home devices. I always like       giving unbiased product testing, consumer-oriented
         to check out reviews on a product before I purchase.   research. The organization accepts no advertising,
         If the product has a website, then that’s me first     pays for all the products it tests.
         place of attack. But since it’s the company’s website,
         I sometime believe that these reviews may be some-     AMAZON products reviews are also helpful, but they
         what biased.  So where to now?                         can be biased and sometimes deceiving. The reason
                                                                I say this is that some produce gets a 5-star rating
         CNET is an American media website that publishes       and then there’s always a 1-star which makes you
         reviews, news, articles, blogs, podcast and videos     wonder what happen.
         on technology and consumer electronics. This site
         was found it in 1994 and has been the flagship for     I’ve shared my list of online website I use for product
         CNET Network and other national broadcast sta-         research, so if you have some you would like to add,
         tions.                                                 send your suggestion to the clubs newsletter editor .

                         December 8, 2018

                                                                                          2018 Contest Guidelines

                           We have to abandon the idea that
                           schooling is something restricted to                    What is the most popular break-
                           youth. How ca it be in a world where                    fast cereal in America?
                           half the things a man knows at 20
                                                                                          A.  Cap’n Crunch
         are no longer true as 40-and half the things he knows at
                                                                                          B.  Special K
         40 hadn’t been discovered when he was 20?
                                                                                          C.  Cheerios
                                           ARTHUR C. CLARKE                               D.  Frosted Mini Wheats

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