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my computer in several formats including JPG or PDF.
                               SnagIt                           But, as I said, the is an editor and with out going into

                                                                Photoshop, I can add arrow, bullet points and other an-
                                                                notations to my images. As for vides, SnagIt is a video
                                                                editor where I can trim my videos to fit my presentation
                                 By Jasmine Blue D’Katz         and save them as MPEG-4. I can also switch between

         As a graphic designer and creating Computer Base Train-  screen and webcam to create my presentation. SnagIt
         ing for the Naval Training Schools, I was introduced to   also lets me apply special effects to an image (like gray-
         TechSmith’s SnagIt over 20-years ago. Basically, I used it   scale, text, arrow, and borders) without having to import
         for capturing graphic off my computer screen and the   the file into Photoshop. As I mention, the video-
         editing in Photoshop. SnagIt was easier to configure   recording feature lets me include an audio track from
         than Windows Screen Print, but today, SnagIt is much   either microphone or the computer audio output.
         more that than just a                                                           I found SnagIt to be an es-
         screen capture program.                                                         sential tool on my graphic
         The latest version of SnagIt                                                    computer. I’m able to cap-
         2018 is even more robust                                                        ture and edit any image or
         than the earlier versions.                                                      video I need to input into my
         For those who attend J.J                                                        PowerPoint or video presen-
         Voice Automated Devices,                                                        tation. For those of you who
         you may have notices                                                            like to share images/video
         some of the graphics and                                                        on social media, SnagIt is the
         videos included in the                                                          tool you need. Priced as
         presentation which, most                                                        $49.95 (or $29.95 for up-
         were captured with SnagIt. If you need just a screen   grades from previous version). SnagIt may not be that
         capture feature then the free Microsoft Snipping tool   expensive if you need the extra features. If you just need
         might be adequate, but if you need to capture video,   a very basic screen capturing feature, then the free Mi-
         then you need more features.                           crosoft Snipping Tool may be adequate.

         Once SnagIt is launched, the app displays a mini control
         panel that peeks out from the top or edge of your
         screen, (or press the PrtSc key) to capture the portion of
         the screen. Pressing the big RED button to take a screen-
         shot.  By dragging the crosshairs across a specific area,
         I’m then given the choice of capturing an image or vid-
         eo. SnagIt also could scroll down/up to capture tall or
         wide images.

         I’ve tried a few other utilities to capture/download vid-
         eo from YouTube and other sources, but SnagIt has
         them all beat. Once I find my video, I lunch SnagIt, drag
         and select the area, push the VIDEO capture button and
         wait for the on-screen count down for SnagIt to start
         capturing. When the video is done, press the STOP
         button and SnagIt takes me into the Image Editor.

         SnagIt’s Editor allows me to save your image/video to
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