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(Continued from page 13)
         You can delete just one day by selecting the day
         on the top left and clicking the garbage-can icon
         To delete your entire location history, go to the
         Timeline, click the gear icon on the right side of                                     Team
         the screen, and select "Delete all Location Histo-
         ry." Like on mobile, a pop-up will ask you if you      E
         really want to do that. Check the box next to "I                leven times a year it takes a TEAM to produce
         understand and want to delete all Location Histo-               the LCACE Newsletter. Mike McEnery
                                                                (Newsletter Editor) publishers the club newsletter to
                                                                keeping our members informed of the latest news on
                                                                computers and technology. Phil  Bock submits his Presi-
                                                                dents RAM, and Lester Larkin  submits the Club History.
                                                                After hours of formatting these articles and searching for
                                                                additional articles to fill the pages. Mike emails  the
                                                                completed Newsletter to J.J. Johnson (Assistant Editor)
                                                                and then he converts it from Microsoft Publisher format
                                                                to an PDF and FlipPage format. J.J. (webmaster) then
                                                                uploads the newsletter to the LCACE website and sends
                                                                out a message on Google Groups to inform the members
                                                                that the newsletter is available online for members to

                                                                Occasionally Mikes gets some feedback from members
                                                                but he is always open for more of your comments. This
                                                                goes along with Mike asking you to submit articles to
                                                                help cut his time searching for articles from other com-
                                                                puter clubs.
                                                                APCUG (Association of Personal Computer User Groups)
                                                                gathers articles from many of their member groups,  and
                                                                publishers them quarterly for other groups to publish in
                                                                their newsletters. This is convenient  for Mike, but as a
         GLE SPACES IN MICROSOFT WORD                           club he would like  more articles from our members. This
                                                                would highlight what  our club is doing to contribute to
         If you find yourself in possession of a Word docu-     the world of computers and technology.
         ment where someone has typed two spaces be-
         tween every sentence and you need to change            Join the TEAM
         those to use just one space, Word makes it easy to
         do a find and replace that changes all instances       So, if you have taken the time to completely read this
         with a single command. Here’s how to do it.
                                                                article, consider taking the time to share you experienc-

                                                                es of a new or old piece of software or equipment by
                                                                writing an article and share it with your fellow members.
                                                                Remember our moto.

         Go to this How-to Geek web page and get the sim-
         ple procedure with screen shots.

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