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                                                                                                           Q & A



             By Joe Isaac, Tech Talk, Central Kentucky Computer Society
             September 2018 issue, CKCS Newsletter

             joeisaac1234 (at)

                                                                 If you have more than four rows of icons on your
                                                                 desktop, you probably have too many for efficient
                                                                 use. Desktop icons should only be something used
                                                                 often. The icon idea is to put a program or project
                                                                 up front, so you don’t have to spend a lot of time
                                                                 looking for it. Quick access is the key! If you have
                                                                 several dozen icons there, the ability to find some-
                                                                 thing quickly is much less likely. We usually start
                                                                 with just a few, but they tend to grow in number as
                                                                 we install a new program. Every program writer
             thinks his/her program is the absolute most important one, so they hang another icon on your desktop.

             So here is what I recommend you do. Look over the icons on your desktop and identify the ones you
             haven’t clicked on in weeks or maybe months. Right click somewhere on your Desktop. Select NEW,
             then click on FOLDER, name the new folder Misc. or Stuff. Then hit Enter.

             Now, left click and drag your least used icons into this one folder. Leave only the frequently used icons in
             view. Those rarely used icons are still available to you should you need one of them.

             Get to work! You will be glad you did!
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