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a restaurant for instance, which can be very

             A visit to your Google account page at Google
             My Activity, while interesting can also be a bit
             frightening as you realize all the information
             being collected.
                                                                  Active Members: 46
             So, while you can delete your activity data if
             you want to, if this tracking is of concern, you     Attendance: 20/43%
             will have to keep on top of it since it appears      Renewals
             many normal actions on your part can turn it
             back on.                                             Jean Moran
                                                                  Ritz & Mary Krause

                                                                  Thank you for visiting

                                                                  Kathy Simon
                                                                  John Holden

                                                                     Mike Mc Enery

                                                                    Judy Rehberger

             Can you name the Person in this picture?                               Don’t be ashamed of your gray

             Answer: Follow the link at the bottom of Page 10                       hair! Wear it proudly, like a flag.
                                                                                    You are fortunate, in a world of so
                                                                                    many vicissitudes, to have lived
                                                                                    long enough to earn it.

                                                                                                 -William Lyon Phelps

                                                                        Beat the April rush!

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